Fresh Faced Summery Glow For Pale Skin.


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May 29, 2013

Kim S.

This isn't the kind of look I normally go for as I'm sure you all are well aware by now but I've just created a tutorial on how to get a summery look with no tan or bronzers for pale lovelies.. Go see it here if you're interested and let me know what you think :) my last tutorial for pale skin has done pretty well so I thought it may be something people would like.

May 29, 2013

Kim S.

Haha thank you both of you. I always feel a bit weird about posting pictures with less makeup but its nice to try something new even if that something new is toning it down! Couldn't help adding some fakery though, so I did some fake freckles lol. I'd been up all night and then realised I needed to go to town for something so I wanted to look as fresh faced as possible... And then I threw my boyfriends t shirt on cos I was too tired to do anything else haha x

May 29, 2013

Caitlin M.

Beautiful! I have to try something like this! Your skin does look considerably warmer than how it usually is in your pictures but it definitely isn't overdone. Fantastic job :)

May 29, 2013

Michelle D.

Your absolutely stunning no makeup needed!

May 29, 2013

Kim S.

Aw thank you Michelle and yeah let me know if you try it Caitlin. Fake freckles are my new favourite thing <3.

May 29, 2013

Alisha G.

You look so gorgeous. I want skin like this. I'm really pale and my skin is dull and icky lol. I'll have to try this.

May 29, 2013

Crystal D.

Hah I love your fake freckles! And your brows. It definitely took me a second to realize it was you. My first thought was, "This chick looks familiar." Lol.

May 29, 2013

Alyssa G.

Once again, Kim comes to the rescue!

May 29, 2013

Kim C.

Wow it looks so it x

May 29, 2013

Erica K.

In love! Makes me want to be a red head.

May 30, 2013

Kim S.

Dye your hair, draw some freckles on and join the club! Lol. For years I dyed my hair any colour to just avoid being ginger and plastered myself in foundation to stop any hint of a freckle showing through (I barely even have any!). Now I love red hair and freckles. But my hair has faded to a mousey browny version of its former self and I want MORE freckles so I've ended up having to dye my hair more ginger and draw fake freckles on! Sod's law eh?

Thank you girlies x

May 30, 2013

Erica K.

Haha! I straightened my hair for years! I wish, but I don't think I can pull of any other hair color!