Hair Colour Stripper, Anyone Used Them?


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May 28, 2013

Meg K.

Ok so my hair dresser won't dye my hair because the box dye I used (live colour XL) was so strong it would mean my hair could snap and I could sue, anyhoo my roots are awful! This made me contemplate using a colour stripper and I seen this online, anyone used these kind of things before or know anyone who has? Is it awful?

May 28, 2013

Amber M.

It does get rid of your colour quite well but depending on how strong your colour is you might need 2. It worked on me but left my hair quite dry at the ends:/. So you need to use a lot of conditioner after:)

May 28, 2013

Meg K.

I only want to apply it to my roots, were your roots quite damaged?

May 28, 2013

Lydia D.

I tried something very similar to this...not quite sure of the brand but I could find out... Any who...although it lightened my hair also smelt sooo bad for like the next 2 matter how good I washed it..the smell was gross... So for me personally I would try sun in or something to gradually lighten your hair rather than strip it immediately. :) Hope it helps!

May 28, 2013

Hillary T.

I think its a better option than bleach. however it does still damage your hair pretty bad. if you just put it on your roots it still damages them but they heal themselves faster because they get more oil from your scalp. also it has a tendency to turn your hair orange ish, regardless of what color you start out with so you'd need to grt it died pretty quick after.

May 28, 2013

Meg K.

Thanks for the advice girls! Hillary I was thinking of putting colour on top immediately just worried if my hair would fall out :s

May 28, 2013

Hillary T.

I recommend resting your hair in between. after you do it go as long as you can possibly stand without washing it. if you can let it be greasy for a couple days it should be fine.

May 29, 2013

Kayleigh M.

I used it n it worked brilliantly removing dark brown back to blonde... but every time I used a blonde at home hair dye it wouldnt take... ended up having to go to the hairdressers to get it bleached, x

May 29, 2013

Alley S.

I used color oops from Walgreens I believe. That stuff was awesome. 12 bucks or so but it there was also another one in a yellow box from Sally's beauty. They are very effective and not as scary as one may think.