Why I Don't Get Email Notification.


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May 28, 2013

Soso C.

Why I am not notified when members xomment on my posts?? I have to search my post to view comments...

May 28, 2013

Chasody R.

I have to do the same thing, so I'm not sure lol.

The forum set-up, everything about it, has gone pretty downhill since they kept trying to make it look prettier/more fancy. It's more than likely another mess up on their part. I would tweet them @beautylish if you have a Twitter and ask or e-mail them.

May 28, 2013

Alma M.

Hi Soso, unfortunately they don't have that yet but I'm pretty sure that will change if it's requested enough.They have been working on a lot of new improvements for Beautylish and have listened to their users and improved a lot since last year especially since Beautylish also changed into a app.The only notice you will get through email is when someone is following you and if you respond to the follow and you get a response back,but if you haven't noticed that go on the website and see if you had requested that.If you did and haven't received any then let them know. :-) hope this helps.

May 28, 2013

Soso C.

Thnk you all I thought that I'm the pnly one facing that special thnk to Alma it helped :-)

May 29, 2013

Alma M.

Your welcome Soso  :-)