I've Found A Miracle Hair Growth Trick! it's simple too.


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May 28, 2013

Dena B.

Basically 2 weeks ago my hair was just above my bra strap... 2 weeks later its abit below it! AMAZING it grew about a inch in a week and a half! And all I did was french braid my hair every day and night, this has also reduced my split ends a lot! It looks like there isn't any anymore which helps it look that little bit longer too! I have also been taking for the 2 weeks perfectil original triple active, I think they have helped boost the growth a lot they have biotin zinc and folic acid in then which I've heard helps with hair growth, along with other vitamins in there too!

I'm also a dancer which might be helping as it stimulates blood flow, I've made a change in my diet lately ( I would eat and eat for hours) and I don't drink fizzy drinks anymore but I'm unsure wether this has helped out or not!

I'm happy I've found a way to grow my hair fast now, what hair growth techniques work best for you?

May 28, 2013

Kirin S.

OMG! I HAVE TO TRY THIS! I'm going to French braid my hair tonight! THANKS FOR POSTING!!

May 28, 2013

Dena B.

Your welcome, thought I'd share this I've been through website after website looking for something like this and nothing worked for me so I started experimenting luckily it turned out ok even my family says my hairs growing now.

May 28, 2013

Mich D.

Omg this sounds really reliable. I shall try this!

So far, all I've done to help grow my hair is apply coconut oil to my roots (and the body of my hair for extra) and apply horse shampoo (mane n tail). It kinda works I guess. For one, my hair is a lot healthier, and two it seems to be longer.

May 28, 2013

Dena B.

I've tried oils in my hair they don't seem to work for me.

May 28, 2013

Rachel B.

Awesome!! I need to try a lot of stuff cause my hair is past my butt but I wanna hopefully grow it around the length of my knees by the end if the summer. Thanks!!(: