Hairy Arms- what to do?


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May 20, 2013

Ciara M.

I hate the hair on my arms and I don't know what I should do with it. I don't want to shave it cu I don't want it to be stubbly. What works for you?

May 20, 2013

Natalie L.

Try using nair, or a hair remover cream.

May 20, 2013

Sandra L.

I had the exact same problem as you& used to get made fun of by some guys at school. I tried shaving and waxing but it only makes the hair thicker and even more noticable! One day I just stopped caring what people thought(: Your beautiful the way you are!! Hairy arms DONT change who you are as a person<3.

May 20, 2013

Victoria G.

Mine is just a plain ol' Mexican problem but I learned to accept my hairy arms! Jajaja!!

May 20, 2013

Jaden C.

Just leave em. If people can't handle your hairy arms, then you definitely don't need to care about them. I have really hairy arms too. :P.

May 20, 2013

Jazzmyn R.

I started to shave them since like 7th grade. Honestly, I think it depends on the person when it comes to whether or not the hair grows back thicker. My hair has never gotten thicker at all. If anything, it looks thinner.

May 20, 2013

Patricia P.

Laser is the way to go. Some hair will grow back but not as much.

May 20, 2013

Alice E.

Get them waxed by best friend did and shes got SO much more confidence now!!

May 20, 2013

Heidi-Loren B.

I have same problem when I was young I thought you was meant to shave you legs and arms and wrong I was they back hairier at school I shaved them cos I got bit picked on but I stopped and I'm not bothered you'll get used to them but If you don't want to wax them or laser :)

May 20, 2013

Karla H.

You can bleach them so it looks like there not even there. they sell cream bleach pretty much every where walmart, target, dollar store.

May 20, 2013

Ajla N.

I also have really hairy arms! I think I'm going to try bleaching them because then the hairs turn blond and there not as noticeable.

May 20, 2013

Angharad N.

I have really hairy arms too. I have fair hair but there's been a few occasions when people have seen them up close. Only twice people have commented on them and it used to bother me but it turns out I'm not friends with them any more. I know that my true friends have noticed them but they're such lovely and considerate people that they never teased. Learn to live with it even if you don't love it. Also remember the girls aloud lyrics: "you don't love me because I'm beautiful, I'm beautiful because you love me!" Our imperfectons make us perfect to the right people. :)