Dry Skin around eyes! help!


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May 20, 2013

Sonia K.

Hi, I've never had dry skin on my face before and within the past couple of weeks I've noticed I have a patch of dry skin under and around my eyes. I have stopped wearing makeup, but I have no idea what has caused this. It seems to be getting worse. I've always moisturised twice a day and have a good skin regime. I use body shop products only because of sensitivity. Does anyone have an idea on how I can get rid of it fast?

Sonia x

May 20, 2013

Liliana Z.

Have you been using the moisturiser on your eyes? that could be the cause. facial moisturiser is too harsh for the eye area. use a eye cream. if its not that then I'm not too sure :(

May 20, 2013

Savanna S.

Use a serum! I love BOA (botanics if Australia) it has grape extracts and it's sooo moisturizing.

May 20, 2013

Savanna S.

I also have sensitive skin and this doesn't irritate me at all.

May 20, 2013

Nehal K.

Use a good eye cream...Clinique has one for sensitive skin...Alternatively you can also apply coconut oil at night its very moisturizing...Use a mild ph balanced cleanser...Skin around the eyes is very thin and has less oil glands so do not scrub or exfoliate much!!

May 20, 2013

Fanny L.

Use Argan oil on the area. I had the same condition all winter. Argan oil is a natural, noncomedogenic oil that hydrates really deeply. Just tap it into the area and wait a couple of minutes before putting on a regular eye cream.

May 20, 2013

Mei T.

I have the same problem! In some cases, dry skin around the eyes or face can be caused by stress. I really recommend Mario Badescu's Control Cream, I just recently bought this and it has worked wonders around my eyes. I've only used it twice so far and it's cleared up all the dryness. Really worth checking out :)

May 20, 2013

Sonia K.

Thank you all!! @Liliana @Savanna @Nehal @Fanny @Mei I will try your recommendations xx

May 21, 2013

Talia P.

Use coconut oil my hubby has really dry skin n he uses coconut oil ;)