This is gross but I need some advice...


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May 21, 2013

Victoria A.

So yesterday my nail got ripped in half. It's disgusting. Surprisingly it doesn't hurt but I'm scared that the part that's ripped is going to come all the way off and I don't even wanna know what that would look or feel like if the skin under it was exposed. When it happened I cleaned it with peroxide and put a band aid on it to protect the nail from coming all the way off. I know keeping a band aid on it might slow the growing process but I have a fifteen month old son who is rambunctious and I know it's going to get ripped off. Had this happened to anyone? Can anyone share some advice as to how to take care of it until it grows back?

May 21, 2013

Cati S.

I would rip it off. stick your finger in ice water till its numb then rip it off and put a bandaid on it for a couple days then you should be fine.

May 21, 2013

Melissa M.

Its going to fall off, the whole thing might or just the tip might. There's not really anything you can do about it. The nail be will probably be sore for a little while, but it will toughen up and then the new nail will come in.

May 21, 2013

Cati S.

It won't hurt as bad if you rip it off. but if your baby does it will really hurt

May 21, 2013

Victoria A.

No. I can't rip it off. I'm scared. What if germs get on it?

May 21, 2013

Alyssa G.

I had that happen to me before too and I ripped it off and then covered it. As long as you keep it covered and bandage it well, germs won't get in there. You definitely should rip it off though. Otherwise when it comes off on its own its for sure not going to feel good!

May 21, 2013

Victoria A.

Alyssa- did your nail grow back normal?

May 21, 2013

Aim K.

Happened my toe nail.. I didn't rip it off. I cut to the edge. and kept the rest and cut every two days until it naturally rips off.. I also kept a band aid over it so it doesn't get stuck with anything..

May 21, 2013

Rachel M.

Cut it as close to the rip as you can get. Ripping off the tip of the nail that is broken will hurt. Cutting it with nail clippers shouldn't hurt. If you don't cut it or as the other girls suggested ripping it off, it could easily get snagged and take off your whole nail instead of just the end. Once you cut it clean it up and cover it. It will take awhile but it will grow again like new if only the tip that is ripped comes off

May 21, 2013

Dina U.

As a cosmetologist I must say that putting peroxide on a cut or injuries like this is one of the worst things you can do. peroxide kills off only certain kinds of germs and bacteria, which happen to be the ones that your body produces to fight off invaders, and is not strong enough to kill off an infection.
visit a nail professional and they can apply a silk wrap onto your nail. this will give your nail more strength and allow the nail to grow out with out breaking or ripping further up your nail bed. in the mean time clip the nail short and keep it wrapped.

May 21, 2013

Victoria A.

A silk wrap? Over an exposed nail bed? That doesn't sound right. I guess I'll just keep it covered until it grows a bit and I can remove the broken part. Thanks for all your suggestions. This is stressing me out!

May 21, 2013

Dina U.

If the nail is still attached then its not exposed. they basically use the silk wrap to 'cement' it back together. in a clean salon they will sanitize it and the wrap will keep any bad germs out. there's no need to stress about it, this kind of thing happens a lot and is easily fixed, your manicurist will know exactly how to handle it.

May 21, 2013

Clara H.

Put drop of nail glue and a small piece of a tea bag over wet glue. I'm a nail tech recommend all the time for people who break like this it is same as a silk wrap does same thing. Smooth out best you can and polish over it.

May 21, 2013

Amanda J.

NO SILK WRAP!! As a nurse my best advice to you is use peroxide oncdle a day keep it covered. change 2/3x daily. I suggest that you clip as much as you can with out it hurting you, and change and clean until it grows out. also go see your doctor as well so don't get an infection. To make you feel at ease go and see your doctor!

May 21, 2013

Alyssa G.

@victoria- it took a while for it to heal completely and then grow back but you'd never know now.

May 21, 2013

Dina U.

Amanda- as a nurse you should know better! peroxide only kills off low level germs and bacteria including the ones your body produces to fight off invaders! the best solutions is to just use soap and water to keep it clean. a study came out about a month back about the negative effects of peroxide on cuts, I'm surprised its not more common knowledge in the medical community.

May 21, 2013

Emily W.

I had this happen before. Clean with soap and water, then cut as short as you can. Then I put a tiny piece of electrical tape to hold the split, and changed it twice a day like a bandage. You want to allow airflow, which a bandage will block, but still keep it from ripping further. It should grow out enough to cut the split away with no problems in a few days or a week.

May 21, 2013

Alyssa W.

The same thing happened to me.. It may not look noticable but in person it is.. I just tooke it right off and its happened to me a few times.

May 21, 2013

Kirsty H.

It happened to me. I cut it as low to split as I could the kept triming it when ever it grew till I got to where it split then I filed the nail. Till it grow for me to trim it I cleaned it twice a day and wore a plaster (band aid) during in day then at night took it off. Mine was a similar length as yours before split and the split was a little bit further down on nail amd it took about a month to get it back to normal c.

May 21, 2013

Kirsty H.

* x

May 22, 2013

Kalei L.

Totally keep it wrapped & clean it until it grows out. I did this with my toe nail that broke like this. I kept a bandaid on it & kept it clean until it grew out enough to cut it. I totally understand your problem with having the baby around and might rip it off. Keep it clean, covered & it should grow out by itself! Hope this helped!

May 22, 2013

Juliana A.

Opi do a broken nail repair kit. kinda works like a tape that glues it together until it grows out. its super strong and you can paint over it.

May 22, 2013

Victoria A.

Thanks everyone! You all have been very helpful. It turns out the broken part is still attached to the nail bed, it's just cracked all the way to the skin underneath. As of now I'm being extremely careful and leaving it unwrapped during the day and putting a band aid over it while I sleep to protect it :)

May 22, 2013

Hayley S.

Try the tea bag method! Use nail glue, a cut piece of a tea bag paper, more glue. It'll be noticeable but it'll hold until it grows out.

May 22, 2013

Moe M.

This has happened to two of my toe nails before. They weren't even long. But you shouldn't rip it off, if you really want it off you need to use a nail clipper. Keeping the broken nail on your finger will slow the growing process.