My Eye Makeup...


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May 21, 2013

Lolli S.

Nice but lightening n clarity could get better feed bk.

May 21, 2013

Huwaida Z.

Thanx for your comment.

May 21, 2013

Todd S.

This reminds me of Boy George back in the day. No T, no shade! I like it in that respect.

May 21, 2013

Ellyn F.

I think its awesome.

May 21, 2013

Laura M.

The lines are a bit harsh blend them out to create a softer look & the eyebrow highlight is a little to obvious a more natural tone would be great. Your technique is good just need more practise.

May 21, 2013

Linee A.

Brows are too dark a bit harsh. Highlight is overpowering. Blend to soften :)

May 22, 2013

Huwaida Z.

Ellyn F. you are looking too awesome.

May 22, 2013

Huwaida Z.

I respect the opinion of mostly.. But some of you don't know how to respect..

May 22, 2013

Laura M.

I hope I didn't come across rude I was trying to be as helpful as possibke.

May 22, 2013

Todd S.

I meant mine as a compliment, Boy George worked the Hell out of some eye shadow back in the eighties. His looks were not usually blended very much, but he looked amazing still, so that was what I was saying. I liked your look even without further blending, just the start of the eyebrow was too solid. Like in this pic, the eye shadow is gorgeous, but not super blended. I think further blending of his look here would actually take something away from it. I believe that there are times when perfect blending isn't necessary. The placement and shape of your shadows was good. No T, no shade means that what I'm saying is not meant to be offensive, even if it may sound like it is.