Proactive, Does It Actually Work??


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Mar 20, 2013

Sarah A.

Hey all has anyone used proactive if so does it work as well as its advertised? I mainly get pimples come up wen I wear make up.

Mar 20, 2013

Shauna S.

I wouldn't recommend it. I know multiple people who had horrible reactions to it and it really damages your skin over time. I used it for about a week 5 years ago and I got a big rash on my face. Even now I still have these huge pores and damaged skin around my nose from using it and it won't go away. I've heard some people like it but then when they stop using it their skin seems to have a withdrawal to it and they can't seem to repair the damage to their skin.

Mar 20, 2013

Jeslie M.

I was on proactive before a couple years ago.I don't recommend it. The thing with proactive is it works at first.but your skin can only take in so much. So after a short while the skin will breakout even more and even cause the burns and rashes.thats what happened to me and I went to the doctors they explained to me that proactive isn't good.

Mar 20, 2013

Jeslie M.

You can go to your doctors and ask them do prescribe you pills or topical creams.

Mar 20, 2013

Jeslie M.

What shauna is saying is very true. Dnt take proactive just consult your doctor.

Mar 20, 2013

Danika J.

Proactive works great for some and not so great for others. It is truly an individual thing. My experience with clients is that most people who are using it are not the proper candidates for it. It is made more for acne grades 2 and 3 and most people using it don't have acne at all. Breakouts and acne are 2 different things. You can have breakout and not have acne. It sounds like you experience comedogenic breakouts which can be alleviated by switching your cosmetics to all non-comedogenic products or making sure to thoroughly removing your makeup AND cleansing your skin nightly.

Mar 20, 2013

Danika J.

Oh goodness that was horrible grammar! I meant thoroughly remove your makeup with a makeup remover AND cleanse your skin afterward.

Mar 20, 2013

Ana O.

During my teenage years it was what cleared up my skin. After a while it seems though my skin got used to it and it stopped working. So I moved on to other skincare products. I think it depends on the person it can work for some but not others. If you say you only get pimples here and there than I think it is worth giving it a try.

Mar 21, 2013

Skellie L.

Nope! Don't recommend. Make sure you are using makeup that's non-comedogenic, meaning that its far less likely to cause breakouts. You could be sensitive to the makeup as well. Also make sure you are thoroughly cleansing and moisturizing before bed, too!

Mar 21, 2013

Roma G.

I used it and it did get rid of my acne but I got horrible dark marks and my face was always red and it was so harsh. Just keep your skin clean and you'll be good!

Mar 22, 2013

Katrina N.

I've been using Proactive for years. It works well The only thing is that it's very drying. Because it's a benzoyl peroxide treatment I'd recommend a hydrating moisturizer. But I love it. I work at sephora and tried every type of skincare line even the clarisonic but they all failed me. I have acne prone skin and Proactive just works well for me.

Mar 23, 2013

Alina G.

Try acne skin care at

Mar 23, 2013

Priscilla F.

Velocity from mary kay the ONLY product that got rid of my acne.