Skin Care Help!


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Mar 22, 2013

Hannah D.

Does toothpaste really work on pimples? And is it safe?

Mar 22, 2013

Alicia H.

Hi Hannah!

Such a DIY trick once worked when toothpaste was very simple. Now with all the added baking soda and whitening ingredients you can end up bleaching your skin - yikes!

Asprin is known to be a great DIY zit zapper and is fairly inexpensive. Either crush a pill up and add some water to create a paste or pop a liquid gel formula with a pin and it's already made for you.

Hope that helps!


Mar 23, 2013

Hannah D.

Great! Thanks so much!!

Mar 23, 2013

Shreeia S.

You could also apply a peel off mask to the pimple it is quite safer and easier to put moisture back into your skin because it is made to dry it out.