Small Holes On Face...


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Mar 23, 2013

Marlana P.

So I have at least 2 if these and I'm thinking they're pores? But how can I make them go away or make them not get bigger?

Mar 23, 2013

Charlotte F.

Toning your skin makes pores appear smaller!

Mar 23, 2013

Bekasaurusrex B.

I have them ALL over my cheeks! It's there all super large pores but I've tried everything to get them to be smaller, I'm starting to think there scars from when I was a little kid and I had extreme acne and my mom would attack my face, I was about 5 and it continued until I was 12, then she would put harsh chemicals on my face :/ but I find it helps a bit to scrub them to get them clean then to put ice on them to try to make them look smaller, then I use porefessional by benefit.

I hope that helped!

Sorry for the super long comment.

Mar 23, 2013

Gloria O.

Boil hot water, pour it into a bowl, get a towel and put your head over the bowl and towel on your head let the steam hit your face or about 5-10 min. After take the towel off and wipe your face. This helps open up your pores and take out any dirt,bacteria etc. then get a yellow Lemon and rub it all over your face this helps reduce pore size. After wash your face with any scrub,face wash, cleanser etc. you use and moisturizer by doing this you can reduce pore size and have nice glowing skin.