Does anyone hate their nose like I do?


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Mar 21, 2013

Seph A.

It's too wide and I can never find glasses that fit the bridge of it.

Mar 21, 2013

Seph A.

Awww thanks girlie, I think your pretty too.

Mar 21, 2013

Zarine D.

I hate mine:((

Mar 21, 2013

Harriet M.

You girls are so pretty! I have a very round nose and wide but nothing a little contouring can't disguise!

Mar 22, 2013

Kathryn L.

I used to HATE my nose growing up and especially as a teen. I definitely have grown to love it. It is a little (...a lot) on the big side but meh.. ha ha and I totally draw attention to it by having both nostrils pierced. Which I think also makes me like it more :) I just grew into it :) I hope you ladies grow to love your unique noses too :)

I have a "Roman"nose that I've learned to love!

Mar 22, 2013

Taryn H.

I hate my nose):

Mar 22, 2013

Tara F.

My noise is a cross between a "roman" , "native american" and "russian" nose...long with a bulb at the end...I have become indifferent to it, until I get

Mar 22, 2013

Tara F.

Don't mind my dark circles...not sleeping too well lately... X-P.

Mar 22, 2013

Etienne S.

Oh I hate mine too!! lol.

Mar 22, 2013

Ashley C.

My nose is the only thing I want to change on me but never will so I just complain lol.

Mar 22, 2013

Amanda H.

I hate mine also! Thought about getting a nose job but I would be scared it wouldn't turn out lol :(

Mar 22, 2013

Amanda H.

I hate mine also! Thought about getting a nose job but I would be scared it wouldn't turn out lol :(

I think all of us ladies with unique noses are rocking it. Look many of the super models. Unique, strong features.

Look at that beak!

Mar 23, 2013

Sarah J.

Seph you remind me of a cat I think your nose is cute and pretty. Don't hate it!

Mar 23, 2013

Jaye R.

I do hate my nose.. But it just wouldn't be my face without it <3.

I hate my nose as well. It's small and I barely have! If I could get rhinoplasty I definitely would!

Mar 23, 2013

Leslee B.

I don't like the end of mine I think it looks funny.

Mar 24, 2013

Seph A.

Everyone is so beautiful

Mar 24, 2013

Elena U.

Christopher- Sabrina L your nose is perfect!

Mar 24, 2013

Seph A.

@ Tara f and Amanda Elizabeth are, how do you know the type of nose you have, like Roman and Russian...what is mine?

Mar 24, 2013

Seph A.

@Sarah j.... a cat, I like that. :-)

Mar 24, 2013

Seph A.

@jaye are you are correct ma'am I agree.

Mar 24, 2013

Seph A.

@Harriet am I am so not good at contouring it never looks natural when I do it.