Salcura Acne Clearing Spray.


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Mar 21, 2013

Kate S.

Has anyone tried the salcura antiac acne clearing spray? I just ordered it & I really want it to work because I 'm 27 and have acne although I never had as a teenager.

Mar 21, 2013

Madi O.

I asked about this product months ago and nobody responded! I never ordered it and went to the derm instead. Please let me know how it works once you start using it!! And I hope it clears your acne up :)

Mar 21, 2013

Kate S.

Thank you! I'll let you know the results and hope are positive!

Mar 21, 2013

Maggie M.

Please do post results I'll follow the thread! Good luck :)

Mar 22, 2013

Trish F.

I've never heard of it. What is it?!

Mar 22, 2013

Kate S.

Well, it's a spray which you apply more or less like a toner and it is supposed to work miracles with acne. I've also read that in the begging you have major breakouts but that's because it starts working! also the ingredients are natural.

Mar 23, 2013

Trish F.

Ooo interesting! Deff want a review lol.

Mar 23, 2013

Erin G.

Interested in hearing about this as well! :)

Mar 24, 2013

Kate S.

Well it hasn't arrived yet and I'm so excited about using it and writing my review..I'll have to wait a little longer!

Apr 2, 2013

Kate S.

Finally I'm getting it tomorrow so I'll let you know the first results in about a week or so...

Apr 2, 2013

Madi O.

Awesome!! I can't wait to hear results!

Apr 4, 2013

Kate S.

I used it last night for the 1st time & and so far everything looks good. it makes your skin feel very cool after the application! I haven't noticed any inflamation nor did my skin get greasy. the smell is quite strong though. oh, I had one white head & it disappeared overnight so I guess it's working! lets see what it'll do to my red pimples now...!

Apr 4, 2013

Kate S.

My boyfriend also told me that he can already notice a difference in my complexion...hope it's true! :-)

Apr 6, 2013

Madi O.

Oh awesome! I'm glad it's working...also, since you all are obviously into natural skincare for acne I wanted to let you know about something I just tried...Aloe Vera juice!! I have pretty severe cystic acne especially along my chin and I've struggled for 6 years with it (along with reg pimples and blackheads). I went to the derm and he put me on Retin A, which has helped my forehead acne but has made my chin acne worse (many whiteheads but bad flaking and scabbing). It was so bad so I starting picking, which obviously made it worse as my skin gets very inflamed and red. My mom saw my face and was very alarmed at how bad my face looked. She said we had aloe Vera juice in the back of the fridge (no sugar or anything added) and to try it. I soaked cotton balls and then put the juice all over my face. I woke up the next morning and my open bleeding pimples were all already healing and my redness was a lot better. My mom commented about it in the morning! I still have acne but it looks a lot better, so I'm going to start using it every night. I will let you know what happens!

Apr 8, 2013

Kate S.

I'd never thought about using aloe juice on my skin..sounds interesting!

May 3, 2013

Kate S.

Ok I'm about to order my 2nd bottle..I think it's working, slowly but steadily my skin is getting clearer...

May 4, 2013

Madi O.

I was actually going to write to see how it was working! That's great :) keep us updated!