Chemical Peeling? Is It Worth! Need A Genuine Advice!


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Mar 18, 2013

Devyani G.

My dermatologist suggested me for chemical peeling to remove acne marks and blemishes...still thinking should I go for it or no?!

Mar 18, 2013

Kathryn L.

Yes! Doing an in office peel routine is what saved my skin. Big time!

Mar 18, 2013

Devyani G.

Thanks! also, does skin darken after the procedure.

Mar 18, 2013

Alyssa H.

No it won't darken afterwards. You just need to wear your spf. Chemical peels can do wonders!! :)

Mar 18, 2013

Anna T.

My mom had one for a scar she got after having to have a cancer taken out f her cheek.

Well she had a series of a few spaced out. But they worked wonders.

Just make sure you wear your SPF and protect your skin afterwards. They basically make your entire face an open sore for a few days.

Mar 18, 2013

Anna T.

My mom had one for a scar she got after having to have a cancer taken out f her cheek.

Well she had a series of a few spaced out. But they worked wonders.

Just make sure you wear your SPF and protect your skin afterwards. They basically make your entire face an open sore for a few days.

Mar 18, 2013

Janelle J.

I've had several peels from dermatologists and estheticians and I love them. Just do your research and ask what kind of peel is right for you. I started doing them for acne scarring a couple years ago and I've had clear skin since. Some peels are more harsh than others tho. Like a Jessner peel is super deep and I would have to take a couple days off work bc you look horrible! But now I get more superficial peels for maintenance. But I rarely have breakouts. Totally worth the pain and money.

Mar 21, 2013

Devyani G.

Thanks guys! I will surely go for it now!