Is Weightloss Even Possible?


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Apr 1, 2013

Pip A.

Coconuts don't come from animals so no...almond milk is pretty yum too.

Apr 2, 2013

Brianne S.

I have lost a total of 46 lbs and I have 19 more pounds to go. I cut out sweets and soda, sometimes I have a cheat day on Sunday. My exercises: yoga, pilates, Zumba, and believe it or not: HULA HOOPING! I watch what I eat and count my calories (as well as how many calories I burn). I eat salads with low fat dressing (normal dressing has 130 calories per every teaspoon), English muffin with hummus, veggie burgers, and a lot of other things. The app that I use is call Lose It and it is GREAT!

I drink a lot of organic juices and a lot of water. If you do like organic, try kombucha, it's really healthy but it has a vinegar consistency.

I also started running too because I have a half marathon that I am doing in November.

Starting weight: 185
Starting size: 14
Weight now: 139
Current size: 6
Goal weight: 120

It is possible and I started loosing weight August 2011

You should shoot for 130 and if you don't think that's enough I guess you can go smaller. Good Luck!

Apr 3, 2013

Diana R.

Marcelina, put health in front of diet and things fall into place. is there a school nurse or health teacher or gym teacher you could talk to about nutrition and an exercise plan? make sure you are doing cardio (30 min counts!) plus some strength training to keep your muscles burning fat. please remember to eat breakfast every day! don't cut out any food group, just concentrate on high fiber, high protein, and lots of small meals to keep your metabolism going, and your brain working! don't drink diet sodas, they mess you up. set your goals by the month, so you have lots to celebrate (yay 5 lbs in March!) and most important!! it's ok to have a cheese burger or whatever if it's a friend's bday our a cute boy asks you out ;)

May 14, 2013

Alexandrea C.

Watch your carb intake. If its more then 20 carbs I don't eat it. Carbs turns into sugar and sugar into fat. I've lost 20 pounds in 5 weeks.

May 14, 2013

Alexandrea C.

Also sugar free everything.