Is Weightloss Even Possible?


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Apr 1, 2013

Marcelina C.

Have any of you tried? share your stories with me as I'm Dying to lose weight but I see no improvements :(

Apr 1, 2013

Iryna S.

Of course it is! I was always pretty skinny, but recently I am trying to get fit. The main thing is to eat healthy, and skip the fast food and junk food whenever possible. Also drink loads of water (min 2L a day) and exercise, exercise, exercise! :) good luck!

Apr 1, 2013

Marcelina C.

I exercise everyday and I can't even remember the last time I had something greasy or full of sugar :/ so far I've Only lost 4 pounds.

Apr 1, 2013

Tara F.

I have been a heavy person my whole life. I tried everything, and started bellydancing, zumba, and going to curves gym. In a year, I list 45 lbs...just to gain 36 back due to this pregnancy ;) It its totally possible. Keep a positive frame of mind...that helps a lot! You lost 4 so far...the first 10 are the hardest, but, look at it from the good side, you are 4lbs closer to your goal. :) Good luck, sweetie!

Apr 1, 2013

Tara F.

*lost...darn spell check!

Apr 1, 2013

Bree B.

I've lost weight twice on Weight Watchers. It's pretty effective. I'm on medication that's caused weight gain and despite cutting my portions down I just keep gaining :( I haven't been able to work out due to having surgery recently but once that period of time is over I'm going to hit the gym!

Apr 1, 2013

Margherita M.

Since 2008 I've lost 49 lbs. I have 25 more to go to my goal and can not wait!! It is definitely possible!

Apr 1, 2013

Christina M.

I always had a problem with weight so I decided to use slim quick and I take those pills twice a day and for exercise I do the wii 10 minutes straight every night and drink a lot of water it's worked for me

Apr 1, 2013

Megan M.

I've always been pretty slim but when I went vegetarian I lost 10 pounds in 3 months without trying to lose weight. Haha.

Apr 1, 2013

Marcelina C.

My goal is to lose 76 lbs. :D

Apr 1, 2013

Taylor G.

I've lost 12 pounds since abut February maybe I started working out again and eating healthier. I use an app called Lose It! to help me track my calorie intake and it will give you a budget depending on how much you want to lose.

Apr 1, 2013

Marcelina C.

I'm 14 , iknow Thats too young - as many would say. I've always had a overweight problem.

Apr 1, 2013

Marcelina C.

And yeee my goal is to lose 76 lbs.

Apr 1, 2013

Hilary C.

Download the app "myfitnesspal" and track your calories. Find a site that can calculate your "maintenance calories" for your heigh and weight. If you eat fewer calories than your maintenance AND exercise you will lose weight.

Drink 2-3 liters of water a day. This is going to seem impossible and almost painful at first but it's a must! It flushes out toxins and salts that make you bloated, gets rid of water weight, keeps you hydrated and your bowels regular.

Like Megan M. said, switching to a vegan or vegetarian diet will help you lose weight. If that is too big of a commitment, have one or two vegan meals a week. I went from a meat eater to a pescatarian to vegetarian to vegan (baby steps haha) and have done nothing but lost weight.

Good luck.

Apr 1, 2013

Hilary C.

She wants to lose 76 lbs, not be 76lbs.

I feel it's best to set small goals so you don't get discouraged.

Here's an example, it's April 1 2013. Set out to lose 3lbs by May 1 2013. For an extra challenge try to get in 8 cups of water every day. Each month set a realistic weightloss goal and add a new challenge (maybe next month once its warmer try to walk a mile every day after school).

Good luck and stick with it!

Apr 1, 2013

Marcelina C.

I'm 176 lbs now.

Apr 1, 2013

Marcelina C.

And I'm 1.70 am tall.

Apr 1, 2013

Lauren H.

Maybe try drinking more water, plus a lot of people don't realize the portions they eat, not that I know what your eating but sometimes healthy things aren't always healthy! And one other thing is that I caught my friend doing... Is you have to switch up your work out!! Even if you work out like every day you have to vary it otherwise your body will plateau :)

Apr 1, 2013

Hilary C.

I think 100 lbs at your height would be underweight. Be healthy please

Apr 1, 2013

Marcelina C.

Okay thanks for the advice :D

I've struggled with weight most of my life and I've gone up and down for years. I lost 80lbs just to gain that and 20 more lbs on top of that. In the last 11 days I've lost 8lbs. So it's possible to loose weight.

No offense but you have to be realistic in your goals. One if you know someone who is that small, take a look at their body frame and height. Not everyone can be 100lbs and look healthy. I'm 5'11 and 180lbs can look skinny on me but on someone whose 5'4 can look overweight. Another thing you're still in the beginning stages of puberty. I saw your pictures and you look pretty small to me. You should check to see your weight requirements for your height and body frame. Please stay healthy and realistic. Go to your doctor if you need some professional insight.

Apr 1, 2013

Marcelina C.

According to my BMI calculator Its healthy when I weight 130 lbs , but 100 lbs is still a healthy weight.

Apr 1, 2013

Tara F.

Take it slow, since you are young. Another good tip, off you like coconut, drink the milk from it. High in antioxidants, helps hydrate, and it kick starts your metabolism and immune system. You are barely overweight, you look wonderful. :) Keep up the good work, just don't rush. And Pamela and these ladies are correct. Have fun, though.

Apr 1, 2013

Marcelina C.

Is coconut milk dairy? I can't have dairy

Apr 1, 2013

Pip A.

Cut out all carbs too.