Curly Hair Help!!


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Apr 3, 2013

Annie E.

Ok so I have really curly hair and usally I will just put it in a ponytail or a messy bun before school or wherever I'm going. But I really need some new hairstyles, so what are some QUICK and EASY hairstoyes for really curly hair?!?!? Help!

Apr 3, 2013

Annie E.

I mean hairstyles

Apr 3, 2013

Annie E.

Yes I know thank you Liz but I have healthy hair and stuff I just Kim of need some new hairstyles to do with it. Any ideas??

Apr 3, 2013

Annie E.

I mean kind, not Kim

Apr 3, 2013

Beth K.

If you straightened your hair the night before itll be easier to style and ull have more options when choosing a hairstyle.. if you have a pinterest and type in the search hairstyles a bunch will pop up :)

Apr 3, 2013

Annie E.

Thanks Beth! I'm going to use Pinterest but the only problem is that it takes and hour and a half to straighten my hair :(

Apr 3, 2013

Heather M.

If you find a hair care routine that works for you, you'll find it'll be easy to manage. I have really curly hair too. I usually use only conditioner to keep my hair from drying out and curl defining cream when I leave it down.

Apr 3, 2013

Bryn N.

I've seen a lot of people using a curling styling cream or Argan oil and then putting it into a messy low bun with some locks of hair in the front out

Apr 3, 2013

Beth K.

Your welcome and ohh yeah my bestfriend does it every night eep and maybe try a few hair products to tame your hair bc its so curly thatll help with some of the hairstyles you find good luckkk.

Apr 3, 2013

Annie E.

Thanks Bryn I'm going to try that!

Apr 3, 2013

Annie E.

And I will do that to Beth! Thanks!

Apr 3, 2013

Safiya J.

This is what I do with my curly hair when I don't know what to do with it. You'll need a spray bottle filled with water and a good leave-in conditioner. In the morning spray down all the fuzziest parts of your hair, then put some leave-in conditioner and put it through your hair as every as possible. Next tie your hair into a ponytail, you might need a brush to smooth out your hair so it looks nice. You can either leave it in a pony tail or twist the end tightly into a bun and bobby pin it into place. What I usually do is braid the end then twist it into a bun and pin it down. I left my bangs out in this picture. But it should look sorta like this from the front.

Apr 3, 2013

Annie E.


Apr 3, 2013

Alice S.

I have really curly hair too and I usually do sock buns, high ponys with it a lil teased, a cute headband with it teased for volume or I straighten it every now and then. You don't wanna apply too much heat because it can cause much damage to the curls. Whenever I just want to wear my curls down, I use a mousse that has this called jojoba oil in it & garnier frizz creme, it works well. Hope some of this helped.

Apr 3, 2013

Annie E.

Thanks Alice! Btw how do you do a sock bun?

Apr 3, 2013

Natasha M.

Annie I just want to said I have curly hair too but I didnt like it but I think your is really pretty so let it down

Apr 3, 2013

Annie E.

Aw thank you Natasha!! I put my hair down sometimes but I play a lot of sports!!

Apr 3, 2013

Natasha M.

Oh just put it in a bun and when your done bring it down believe me your look so pretty

Apr 3, 2013

Taylor J.

Your hair is really pretty! Maybe try to do a fishtail or a type of braid. You could just put a headband in and leave it down I thing that would look nice. Most hair styles are easier strait so you co straiten it the night before.

Apr 3, 2013

Alice S.

Cut a tube sock right at that line before the toes and roll into a doughnut shape (thats the at home way) then slick your hair into a tight pony and take the doughnut looking sock and put it at the top of your pony tail and start rolling hair down with it. Sounds kinda complicated but thats how I do it. You can also buy the actual bun if you don't wanna do the sock trick , and if my way is too difficult to learn look of vidoes, they're pretty helpful too.

Apr 3, 2013

Mayra G.

If you don't want to use a hair straightener do to the risks of damaging your hair, YouTube how to straighten hair without heat.

Apr 3, 2013

Carolina T.

I have really curly hair too, so what I do is usually twist my hair or use flexi rods and put them in my hair for different types of curls there are great utube video s on how to do them.

Apr 3, 2013

Ash S.

Ok I don't think anyone has curlier hair than mine, I know what your going through. Try this: after the shower wrap your hair with a towel and leave for a few minutes. Then blow dry your hair ( duck your head down ) then before you fling your head back up put Moroccan oil on your hair. I do this all the time and its great ;)

Apr 3, 2013

Emilie C.

I have curly hair too and you need to straighten your hair then spray lots of hairspray on to keep it straight and when putting your hair up spray it on to keep it in place try going for a loose ponytail or try tight french plaits... that works for me :)

Apr 3, 2013

Melissa T.

I have curly hair too and it gets pretty frizzy. What I do is use sulfate free products and after showering I use some pro naturals argan oil on my damp hair and comb it through, then I leave it to air dry without touching it too much. The argan oil helps it to stay smooth and define the curls. Also, I braid it before bed and put some of the argan oil over the braid to prevent it from frizzing or drying out.