Addicted to Beautylish App<3.


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Mar 24, 2013

Sarah J.

love it :)?

Mar 24, 2013

Sarah J.

love it :)!*

Mar 24, 2013

Lolli S.

Aww ty guys Lucy H., n Jay M.!!that melted my heart away,ty for the love smooches.

Mar 24, 2013

Alma M.

I use to be such an addict on the site then also when it became an App, but not so much lately.I have to agree with the other ladies about the thread why is it the same questions? and why is it every time I decide to check it out its the same thread about should I change my hair color lol I don't know if you guys still see that one on the thread? But I swear its been on there for almost a month! I sure don't want to read 300 comments or reply yes or no to the same question for a month lol This site has changed a lot some for the better but also some for the bad.The thread thing is the bad it doesn't change so I barely go on anymore.Then when I post about makeup or a question about makeup it either doesn't get answered or it does by a couple of people.Its always the threads by people that all have how do I look or what do you think that get answers off the hook..I'm an actual MUA so sometimes I like to really give my input on some real makeup questions or I have questions.

Mar 24, 2013

Pia H.

Only had it a few days, but I love it already! Very useful😊

Mar 24, 2013

Nicole S.

I agree with Alma, when I got the app I didn't know that much about makeup, it taught me a lot for like a month, now I feel like I'm just teaching everyone else, and telling then they look good... When I post threads about serious makeup questions I never get answers either because the threads are over run with questions about hair color and bathing suits...

Mar 25, 2013

Chelsey S.

I love the app but don't know how to subscribe to please!;)

Mar 25, 2013

Lolli S.

Press the heart botton under the person profile pic.

Mar 25, 2013

Joanne H.

What does subscribe to people mean? sorry to sound thick.

Mar 25, 2013

Lolli S.

She means hw to follow. ;-)

Mar 25, 2013

Amby A.


Mar 25, 2013

Joanne H.

Oh ok thanks lolli.

Mar 25, 2013

Alicia H.

Hi Everyone - I'm Alicia from the Beautylish team.

The enthusiasm on this page is really wonderful! We have so much more in store for you guys too - just wait. ;)

In regards to the rude comments on here - they have been removed - Sorry about that! We do have an etiquette and a ZERO TOLERANCE policy for rudeness.

I know there was some concern with Lolli's abbreviations - don't worry, we're not banning anyone just for that. We love ya, Lolli! :) Part of our etiquette is however to use proper grammar and punctuation - we just want everyone to present themselves and their opinions well so often times our moderators will make slight adjustments to make the point more clear to all the members or (very rarely) delete posts/comments that are irrelevant, rude, or are unclear - sorry if that offends anyone! I know there is not a self edit tool on the app at this time - this is something I will direct to our app developers.

Here is a link to the etiquette which can also be found on our site:

Additionally if anyone feels other members are not following etiquette and are being rude or offensive, don't hesitate to contact or me directly at Again, there is no room on this site for negativity and while we stay diligent in keeping Beautylish a positive, helpful environment for all, sometimes we do miss things.

Other than that we love that everyone stays positive and and we love hearing this kinda feedback! We love all the love <3

Mar 25, 2013

Maggie M.

I'm sure Beautylish is excited to have the overload of members..but this place is NOTHING like it once was..I don't even see my favorite helpful beautiful ladies anymore :( sad..It WAS my favorite..

Mar 25, 2013

Iqra H.

Lollli I love ya tooo lol your hilarious!!
thank for the input beautylish.
ps we should have a thread on how to improve beautylish app. make be suggestions could help. or the mods should give us an insight of the developement?

Mar 25, 2013

Lolli S.

Thanks lovey!I'm glad I'm mkg smeone laugh cuz thanks clown is freakn bored!I'm hm alne :-(

Mar 25, 2013

Iqra H.

Awww where are you from?

Mar 25, 2013

Lolli S.

The bay area USA

Mar 25, 2013

Nicole S.

I'm actually quite frustrated with Beautylish right now because all the threads are related to prom dresses, swimsuits, and hair color. I just wish there was a way I could filter those threads out!  (:

Mar 25, 2013

Sana R.

I wish you got notifications when someone else's writes on a post after you! I love this app but sometimes forget to look at it.

Mar 26, 2013

Iqra H.

Yeh that's because it's still developing. they need mods here on the clock but they don't have anyone to keep track of threads all the time...
lollli your from the other side of the pond to me. there's hardly anyone from here in UK.

Mar 26, 2013

Joanne H.

I'm feom the uk and I'm now pissed.... it's 12.13am and I'm lay in bed watching the telly checking beauty lish sll the time as always lol x

Mar 26, 2013

Joanne H.


Mar 26, 2013

Alicia H.

We actually have an advanced filtering system which is why a lot of you don't see what's posted by time period but by relevance to you. Of course, since prom IS near, there is an influx of threads about this topic so you will see it in your stream even if it is not relevant to you, per-say.

And of course we are a start-up so all feedback is good feedback so keep it coming! Don't hesitate to use the above mentioned email addresses! We love to hear it.

On a side note - we're neighbors, Lolli! Beautylish HQ is in San Francisco :)

Mar 26, 2013

Alicia H.

@Sana - Thanks for that feedback! One workaround that you can use now is on the web, under the community tab scroll all the way down and you will see a tab that says "following". From there you can see all the posts that you're involved with and who has contributed. This includes any post that you have started.

On the app, Go to Settings, followed by "Your Likes" followed by "Topics You're Following".

I hope that helps!