Damaged Hair! Should I Cut It Off?


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Mar 27, 2013

Anna K.

I think you should cut it off because your ends will just get worse and worse and you will eventually just end up needing to cut off a TON of hair. You should cut of most of the hair and just have a start with healthy hair. I think you would look good with short hair anyways!! After the haircut you should post a picture

Mar 27, 2013

Emma K.

Well I got it cut this afternoon and the stylist straightened it for me so its about 1-2 inches shorter naturally. She recommended only cutting it to my shoulders so I still have about 1 inch of damaged hair left. I'm getting that cut off nearer to the summer so I don't end up having an afro... But here it is:

Apr 3, 2013

Catherine G.


Apr 6, 2013

Emma K.
