What Do You Think Makes A Girl Beautiful Her Looks Or Her Personality??


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Mar 26, 2013

Cheri C.

I was looking in the mirror the other day and I thought am I really a beautiful person, make up can do wonders. Do men really go for looks or do they go for what's inside of someone. Obviously the first thing people are attracted to is the looks but are looks really that important? If so how important do you think? (Why do pretty girls be with not so attractive men) yes beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

Please give your views on this...

Mar 26, 2013

Shae W.

Please don't think that I'm snobby or shallow, I'm really not, I'm just trying to be honest. I believe that, yes, looks play a role when looking for a partner. BUT! That doesn't mean that you should date someone because of their looks. I now I may sound confusing, but it is in our human nature to pay attention to the physical appearance of the opposite sex as a means of sexual attraction. But personality matters the most. I'd rather have a sweet unattractive guy rather than a douchebag hot guy anyday because I care about how a person treats other people and what their opinions and views are on things. That's how you know whether or not you're compatible with someone. My gosh thing is long, I'm sorry. But that's my opinion :)

Mar 26, 2013

Shae W.

Imagine if you went blind one day or if you're hot boyfriend got in a tragic accident and his looks were completely ruined. Then what would really matter? Personality, of course. :)

Mar 26, 2013

Lolli S.

Attraction n looks does matter.Its human nature to b attracted to smethg pretty or funny.I've had a red headed bf many years ago everyone thought hw ugly but to me he was tall n nice.As I got older I got more attracted to Latin guys like bad boys but handsome.For me who I was with he had b handsome n some kind of wy or I wouldn't feel comfortable.My husband nw wasn't my type at first cuz he wasn't tall and I didn't like his hair!whn he cut his hair n saw hw nice he was to me I got attracted to him.But after being heartbroken after an ex I prayed to God please bring me a man who got heart for me n my kids!your feeling change as you get wiser n older.For men typically I think they pretty much look at the sex appeal,hair,eyes,beauty.My husband was intimated by me the first date cuz he said I was really beautiful n classy n my vibe was IM the shit n your nt.In the club IM like that but at hm I'm dwn to earth.He said no wy did he have a chance to b my man cuz he had nthg to offer.I married him anyways.I've seen some ugly dudes but they are hard working n family men.I've sren ugly girls but their heart is soild gold.

Mar 26, 2013

Lolli S.

One thg too a real pretty gorgeous woman who's all that might b admired n lusted for but the minute she opens her mouth is wht really counts n can she b trusted? Same for a guy!

Mar 27, 2013

Hugo K.

Yes men are visual and they are attracted to looks at first but if your personality is a drag they will drop you for the next pretty girl.

Mar 27, 2013

Candy R.

Well yes obviously there has to be sumthing that catches there eye weather its your eyes lips smile I don't know sumthing but there has to be personality for it to last sumthin that stands out form every other person!...Good looks attract the eyes, good personality attracts the heart!! looks is not everything sooner or later it will fade away

I think beauty is when someone is both. Although a person who is just beautiful on the inside still shines through. 💜 If a woman is beautiful from her looks but has a black heart than that ruins her beauty in my opinion.

With men I think looks do matter but if a person is has a beautiful personality they can look past the looks.

Mar 27, 2013

Pamela W.

To answer your question, both or either or can make a girl beautiful. She can be physically beautiful but have the nastiest attitude. Then you have some women who are average and have a beautiful heart. As for what some of the other girls are talking about....

Me and my friends (guys and girls) have conversations about this subject all the time. what makes a woman attractive to a man. It depends on the guy. Yes some men want both, some want the personality and then you have the men who just want the looks (sexual visitations). It all depends on where the guys is in his life. As far as a woman to a man, you might call me a bit shallow. I don't mean to be shallow (maybe that's why I'm not married...lol) but I have a specific type and I pretty much stick to it. I need both from a man. It doesn't matter how great the guys personality is, I couldn't overlook the non physical attraction. I would automatically put him in the friend/brother zone.