Plastic surgery questions


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Mar 25, 2013

Vera V.

So I have wanted plastic surgery forever! I have a really long Chin, that looks even longer.. Kinda like a joker when I smile. I was wondering how you would go about finding a surgeon and what to look out for.. For anyone thats ever gotten anything done.. >.>

Mar 25, 2013

Kadri T.

I have had a boob job. I'm naturally very thin and as much as I have tried, my weight just doesn't go over 55kg and I'm 5.10 tall. When I gave birth to my son I was 64kg only. And even then I had no boobs, not even during breastfeeding. So when I turned 27 I thought, ok, if they havent gone bigger until now, they not going to go ever. So first I researched all before afters and complications. Doctor reviews etc. Finally I decided to go with a doc I knew personally. I thoughy he is kinda friend, surely he won't make mistakes. And he didnt. I went from AA to size B only, as being thin, bigger would look like a joke. Now all clothes fit much better! Recovery was 3 days. I felt really good straight after surery and went on with everyday life. But its not very usual to be so fast. And I have told facial surgeries take longer and are more painful in general. I am anyway very happy with my boobs. And who doesn't know can't even tell any cause I always used to wear stuffed pushups before.

Mar 25, 2013

Natalie T.

I gaven't gotten anything done, but I just advise you to take your time choosing the right doctor for you personally. Do TONS of research, talk to as many doctors as possible with the right qualifications, and make list of questions to ask each doctor you have a consultation with to compare and contrast different doctors answers to one another.

Mar 25, 2013

Nicole B.

Word of mouth. I have had lipo and a tummy tuck. Make sure they are board certified. It hurt like hell but so worth it at the end. Good luck.

Mar 26, 2013

Rose H.

What to look for I'd have to say if you want chin work done pick some one who maybe specializes there? Or specializes in face over body someone who does chins often never had surgery just seems like the most common sense thing.

Mar 27, 2013

K G. has helped me get a better idea of what to look for (I'm considering rhinoplasty) it has personal reviews for just about every procedure big or small. Only negative is I've read somewhere that some negative comments can be deleted by doctors that are really active on site if it mentions them directly. You can message other members directly tho!

Mar 27, 2013

Vera V.

Thank you all so much!!