Does The Sun Clear Up Acne.


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Mar 10, 2013

Kaitlin P.

So my family keeps telling me I need to go out into the sun and that it will clear up my acne and I refuse to because I have only heard of how bad the sun is for your skin. But they swear it will clear up my acne. Opinions? Will it clear my acne?

Mar 10, 2013

Coco C.

Nope the sun is the worse acne enemy. I've been to my dermatologist. and she never expose my self to the sun. and that I have to put you've proctetor cream.

Mar 10, 2013

Mariah G.

The sun can actually do wonders for your skin, but it can also worsen any dark marks that you have. Try taking vitamin D pills, I've heard of a lot of people having success with these for their acne (:

Mar 10, 2013

Beth F.

There is a really good cream called 'quniderm' it clears acne very quickly I use it for the odd spots I have and they are gone within two days I swear by this cream but be careful not to put to much on as it does burn but it is definitely worth getting some and it's not expensive you can get it from a local chemist.

Mar 11, 2013

Stephanie G.

It will dry out temporarily. But then your skin will overproduce oil because your skin is dry, and you'll breakout worse than before.

Mar 11, 2013

Jackie R.

The sun is acne's worst enemy. I admit it will give you a nice tan but what then! When the dead skin cells in your skin start to fall off all this will cause is clogged up pores and flaky skin. Trust me it won't do you any good.