Anti-Size 0 Campaign?


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Mar 15, 2013

Ariel O.

That's ridiculous. I hate how some women are turning the love your curves thing into a hate the skinny girl thing. I'm a size 12 and have always been just naturally bigger, but I understand that there are girls out there who are naturally skinny and they shouldn't be disrespected like that.

Mar 15, 2013

Tiffany D.

Thank you Ariel I'm so sick of the skinny girl hate it makes us feel bad too. I have never made fun of anyone because of their size.

Mar 15, 2013

Samira S.

I feel that people are saying this because we look at skinny as beautiful and many people are going to extremes to be beautiful. Eating disorders and bulimia are mostly due scared to be fat. I think that that's not the case you should love your body. I'm a size seven and only wish to be skinny. Don't get offended you have what everyone wants girly :)

Mar 15, 2013

Tiffany D.

Sometimes I feel like I would like to be a little curvier I'm so small naturally and I also look young to go with it so it really hurts when I hear these "real women have curves" comments.

Mar 15, 2013

Drea L.

I have a feeling "Ban Size 0" is just a catchy title to something else. Like saying no to extreme dieting & eating disorders. If it's literal then it's probably the whole 'ban size 0' on the runway or in the fashion industry in general. Because I HIGHLY doubt anyone is dumb enough to believe you can ban people from making size 0 clothing.

Mar 15, 2013

Tiffany D.

Well then whoever is posting this mess needs to make themselves clear as to what they're trying to get across because it is extremely ignorant to try and attempt to ban a size it's so ridiculous and immature.

Mar 15, 2013

Lucy R.

I don't see a problem with people being size 0 but I do think that they need a range in models so that all the models are not size 0..if that makes sense :))

Mar 15, 2013

Pamela F.

I think andreas right..but these people need to make themselves clearer about what their actual messge is supposed to be.

Mar 15, 2013

Valerie R.

I find that offensive, I was a size 00 in high school & bullied. Everyone claimed I was "anorexic" as if they knew anything about me, just because I had no curves. I struggled a lot to gain some weight but I just couldn't, my body wouldn't agree with the weight so I remained where I was & developed slowly. I am now 19 & a size 4. I felt as if being a size 0 at 14/15 made me look like I was 9 & felt unattractive. It's just as bad as someone curvy being called "fat". No one should should be the judge of anyone's body type or size, only the person in it.

Mar 15, 2013

Sevetria M.

To discriminate against anyone of any size is wrong. People should learn to embrace their size and stop worrying about everyone else.

Mar 15, 2013

Ileanaa M.

Forget about the 0 I'm a size 2 and absolutely noo cute stores carry size 2!! It's like they completely skip over it sigghhhh.

Mar 15, 2013

Jessenia C.

I honestly eat junk food all the time, I never exercise and I'm a size 0, I just have a fast metabolism and wearing size 0 just fits my body, so why would people be against me wearing what fits me, seriously this is dumb

Mar 15, 2013

Kelsi Z.

It shouldnt be an anti 0 campain or anti any size campain. It should be an anti body issue campain like with being annerexic, bulemic and stuff like that. I've know girls that were a size 12 that was annerexic. We shouldnt be pinning a size girls wear, we should be helping girls to stop being unhealthy. There's inhealthy girls from size 0- 16 but that doesn't mean one certain size should be band. We need to stop focusing on sizes and focus on all the girls in the world that are actually unhealthy an not all of them are a size 0. I'm a size 8/10 and I struggle with being healthy. You can't just band a size because you think there the only unhealthy ones with not all of them are.

Mar 15, 2013

Kelsi Z.

Omg jessenis I wish I could eat like that! Haha I gain weight and lose weight quickly. It sucks

Mar 15, 2013

Kelsi Z.


Mar 15, 2013

Kelsi Z.

I agree with lucy :) its be cool to see a VS model that was a size 8 with curves. Not that I'm saying anything bad about the skinner ones though.

Mar 15, 2013

Victoria B.

Banning size 0? That's absurd some people are naturally that way and others Arnt it's not our fault plus what pants would people who are currently size 0 wear?

Mar 15, 2013

Jess S.

I'm not very skinny. I can admit it. Even with this, I don't judge other girls fat or skinny. Its the way you are made and nobody has the right to 'ban' it. If your skinny, your skinny, if your curvy, your curvy. If you can accept it, surely others can!

Mar 15, 2013

Rebecca W.

@kelsi I absolutely agree!! The number isn't the problem. There is and ALWAYS be a society and pressure on certain people to be what society thinks is "better" "beautiful" "strong" etc... We can't change that... It would be great if we could but no one is ever going to think like another meaning everyone's opinion is different. What we need to do is concentrate on how we let those opinions effect us! I hate that it's like that and that there are so many people that would tell or make a person feel like they need to change... Being different is truly beautiful. That's why companies can charge so much more for a new product... Why? Because its new, it's different, and people ( the consumer) want what is different. Don't get me wrong if you are skinny and its because you just can't gain weight but are unhealthy you need to do your best to be healthy not that anything at all with your physical appearance should change just like if you are having complications because your body is caring too much extra weight you should out of respect to yourself try and become more healthy... Not that you need to look thinner but for your health alone. At the end of the day there will always be people that are super thin and people that are medically obese and that's their business... Not mine. It's a full time Job for me to just take care of myself and keep myself to what I believe is my peak.. My healthy point. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder... Not in a size.

Mar 15, 2013

Rebecca W.

Exactly @Jess

Mar 15, 2013

Rebecca W.

Not that this has anything to do with this post but someone that is happy with themselves will alway "offend" or make "uncomfortable" someone that isn't and in a lot of cases this is the root of pointing a finger. Just be happy I mean when you have 5 minutes to live and you think back on your life how sad would it be to know you spent so much time on what other people think. Live for the two compliments you get for being 100% yourself rather that the 10 compliments you get for being what you think people will like. Just a thought... :) I love all the comments - I love hearing from continent and strong women like you gals!!

Mar 15, 2013

Taylor G.

I don't agree with it. One of my best friends is a size 0. She tries so hard to gain weight but can't. Some girls are naturally that skinny and an anti size 0 campaign is no worse than an anti size 12 campaign.

Mar 15, 2013

Taylor G.

I meant they are equally as bad.

Mar 15, 2013

Kayla L.

The campaign is actually about models who excessively eat to be a size zero, not girls who are naturally a size 0.

Mar 15, 2013

Amanda C.

What about 00...? ^.^