Anti-Size 0 Campaign?


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Mar 15, 2013

Chantal D.

Back in 80s there was no such thing as size 0. The powers that be have created Cisero and 00. Where is this heading size 000? People are not getting thinner sizes aren't changeling. It's not a anti-skinny people site it's anti- size 0.

Mar 15, 2013

Chantal D.

All you size zeros would've been a size one or two in the 80s.

Mar 15, 2013

Chantal D.

And I don't really understand why people are finding this offensive.

Mar 15, 2013

Rebecca W.

Who cares if there is a size 000?? It's just a size but that's me... It's a number but maybe other people see it as something else..
Example: phone numbers use to be 3 digits now there are so many people with phones some cities have not only 10 digit number like everyone else but numerous area codes... At the end of the day I have to enter the right number to get in contact with the right person... Just like I have to by the right size for it to fit correctly.. It's just digits to me.. But again maybe that's just me..

Mar 15, 2013

Michelle B.

Yes and people who wear a size twelve would've worn a larger size in the eighties. And its not just about banning the clothing size, which is ridiculous anyway, it is also about banning size zero models...which is also ridiculous. The world would be freaking out if there was such a campaign banning any larger size.

Mar 15, 2013

Michelle B.

Agreed @ rebecca! :)

Mar 15, 2013

Chelsey S.

Great input Chantel, I figured there was more to the story;) I agree- its not the body size- simply the way companies label us and how it affects us.

Mar 15, 2013

Michelle B.

Also, banning models that are actually unhealthy is fine because if they are unhealthy it will help them to start eating healthy again. But most size zero models are very healthy.

Mar 15, 2013

Heather C.

In the article, there was direct mention to size. Not just the number itself. Followed by a plethora of comments from males and females alike "Finally! A REAL woman!" "About time people realize real women have hips" (I don't) etc. it was just hurtful to read.

Mar 15, 2013

Lydia G.

Honestly size 0 is just a size up from size 14 in kids. & shouldn't be banned since really its just a clothing size. it's not like all size zero people are annorexic.

Mar 15, 2013

Michelle B.

And to further add to what I said about unhealthy models, do keep in mind that you can be unhealthy at any size. I eat healthier than anyone I know but that is because of my personal beliefs with being a vegetarian. I still enjoy tacos, pizza and other junkish food, just in a healthier way... except for cheese... I can't give it up even though its not that great health wise. :/

Mar 15, 2013

Chantal D.

Yes I'm ok with going against the companies labelling us etc... But I'm not ok with people bashing skinny people. But it goes both says, anyways upside down right side up there will always be someone to hate. Yes size 000 Is just a size but its more of a feminist thing like, we have to make sizes in the negative yada yada. Phone numbers don't represent anything size represents body and they manipulate the numbers.. I saw a documentary on it. Either way bring disrespectful about a persons body is wrong. However it is true many men prefer skinny women only, many men prefer curvy women. There is s huge societal push to prefer skinny women and to be skinny. To me thus argument is like t.

Mar 15, 2013

Chantal D.

This to me is like rich people complaining that the poor are against capitalism. Yes it's wrong to bash ppl, but st the end of the day society prefers skinny. Fat/curvy people really don't have it better than fat ppl in society. It's harder to loose weight than it is to gain.

Mar 15, 2013

Chantal D.

Just like poor don't have it better than the rich. Yes I'm comparing fat ppl to poof people. Yes it's insulting but in terms of social hierarchy it's comparable.

Mar 15, 2013

Chantal D.

But a size 14 Is different than a negative size. This would be like making infinity sizes for fat people instead of just increasing.

Mar 15, 2013

Chantal D.

People haven't gotten skinnier they have gotten fatten if anything

Mar 15, 2013

Michelle B.

I'm a pretty hardcore feminist but I don't care about the number, it's only a size I look for when shopping. The only time I care about the number is when they don't have it! lol Also, I have been a little bit bigger, size 7 I believe, and I didn't care then either, so it's not just because I'm thin. It's the individual. We label ourselves more than anyone else does. We do the most harm. There are a lot of men that prefer larger women, I'm sorry but I don't like the word curvy that's why I don't use it much. I'm curvy and a size zero. I know other women that wear larger sizes that aren't curvy. When it honestly comes down to it, most men just prefer a woman to be alive and interested in them... lol!

Mar 15, 2013

Michelle B.

And not to argue but a lot of people would disagree with the whole it's harder to loose weight than it is to gain. Especially if you are being healthy about either. My aunt lost over one hundred pounds pretty damn easy and was healthy about it but I can't gain more than five pounds and thats usually water weight.

Mar 15, 2013

Natalie T.

I think a lot of people find it hard to lose weight and a lot of people find it hard to gain weight. I've never had a problem gaining weight so its hard for me to imagine how people who can't gain weight feel because I would *personally* love that ability... But I would have to imagine its just as mentally and psychically draining either way.

Mar 15, 2013

Michelle B.

Agreed, it depends on the person. Once I became the size I am, which has been since I am an adult, I can't reverse it. Even if I eat nothing but junk. I have tried all the healthy ways and can't gain anything, The trying to gain weight was brought on by people and their critical comments. I eventually accepted that I am healthier than most I personally know and I look fine so oh well. My sister can't get under a size 12 but its because she has a larger frame and it's all hips with her, she vegan and very healthy. Its just how she is built.

Mar 15, 2013

Chantal D.

Ok I agree with you guys everyone's body is different and done people can't gain weight. But dies a skinny girl have the same societal shame and pressure to gain weight as a curvy girl does to loose weight? I'm curvy I have a big ass and slim waiste, but I have stick arms and legs and small boobs. I wish I had thicker legs and bigger boobs, ill probly never get that. I might get big boobs if I get a bob job but that's never going to happen bc I don't agree with it. However, society doesn't hate on me for not having big bobs the way fat girls get hated on. I'm making this a social issue

Mar 15, 2013

Chantal D.

I love being curvy but if I was skinny or a shaped I'd Rock it and love it. But if I was fat is prolly hate myself. Just the truth

Mar 15, 2013

Michelle B.

Lol, yes... yes we do have it. Even more these days then before. It's pretty sad actually. I have heard forever about "You need to eat a burger and get some meat on them bones" and I have heard so many comments about me being anorexic or bulimic. I have heard horrible and mean comments from many around me. And nowadays I can't turn on the tv without people somehow saying the thin is sick and facebook has too many pages about no to zero and everyone is posting pics about how real women have curves and so forth... it's everywhere just the same but it is sadly more accepted to hate on thinner people. Most people don't acknowledge the hate because they either think it is funny, it is subtle or they agree. And also, someone on here made a great point about how a larger woman can wear underwear and pose for a picture and be called brave but a thinner woman is a whore... This is VERY true. I have been called a whore by soooo many people just because I am very thin, pretty and have boobs. I have worn freaking sweats and was called a whore. We all have to deal with abuse and hatred. We should stop hating on everyone and stop being so judgmental. No one knows what any woman has to deal with on a daily basis. I don't know what any of you go through just like no one really knows what I have to go through. That's why no one should say anyone has it harder.

Mar 15, 2013

Michelle B.

Also, my mom is now a 24 and loves it just the same. She is still one of the most beautiful woman I know and I know a lot! 57 and still no damn wrinkles! lol Anyway, again, it matters on the individual if they hate themselves or not. My mother has a lot of pride and truly knows her worth, it is not about her weight. She got this on her own, the world did not make up her mind. I know many may disagree with me but we shouldn't blame society for everything... the media isn't always at fault, its just the closest and easiest thing to blame. People need to stop hating on any women and her size, instead we should acknowledge her beauty and then acknowledge our own instead of knocking ourselves down just because we don't look like that person. We shouldn't want to look like anyone else but ourselves! Models don't do it to us, we do.

Mar 15, 2013

Michelle B.

Maybe we should start a campaign to help raise self worth in women rather then attacking anyone. :) I for one would love to help young women gain confidence and self respect.