Stay Blonde Or Go Brunette?


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Mar 13, 2013

Karli J.

I love being blonde but I kind of wanted to try something new..what do you think? Stay blonde or go brunette?

Mar 13, 2013

Cabanis E.

Stay blonde, your really pretty :D.

Mar 13, 2013

Shelly B.

Oh my goodness! First, I love your hair and the cut and you're basically adorable. I'm quite jealous that you can pull off bangs so well! Second, I think either way would be fine. I understand wanting to switch things up, and brown would probably look great, so I'd say go for it!

Mar 13, 2013

Candy J.

Stay blonde pretty girl definetly brunette won't suit you.

Mar 13, 2013

Karli J.

Thanks everyone :3 And I've had auburn before and I really just hated it, it always ended up looking very brassy and it was so hard to get out.

Mar 13, 2013

Heather C.

Blonde is so pretty on you. Maybe add some brunette lowlights?

Mar 13, 2013

Sadia B.

Your eyes would luk amazing with darker hair. you would have to choose a colour carefully though. x

Mar 13, 2013

Sadia B.

I agree with Heather. maybe try the darker lowlights and see how it luks x

Mar 14, 2013

Joanne H.

Brunette would look gorgeous but blonde looks very sweet,I think if you were to keep the blonde a few more going through your fringe would work better

Mar 14, 2013

Karli J.

Here's another picture of me with the blonde, the lightings not so good but whatever lol.

Mar 14, 2013

Joanne H.

That looks better, I think it was the lighting... brunette I think would look the best