Nude lip for a redhead.


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Mar 8, 2013

Larissa M.

Hey guys,

Any suggestions on a nude lip for a red head. I tend to be colorful in the eye so I like to have a put-together look with a simple lip. Thanks!

Mar 8, 2013

Samantha B.

I'm a redhead as well, not quite as vibrant as yours, but I love a nude lip.
I find soft corals and peaches work well :)

Mar 8, 2013

Bianca L.

I'm not a red head but when I do make up I really like Clarins nude lip pencil under Fashion Fairs Champain toast lipstick Love them both!!

Mar 8, 2013

Larissa M.

@samantha, do you have any names?

Mar 8, 2013

Larissa M.

@bianca , thanks! I'm going to definitely try it!

Mar 8, 2013

Bianca L.

Oh and Larissa don't be scared of orange lipsticks the will make your eyes pop.

Mar 8, 2013

Bianca L.

Oh and Larissa don't be scared of orange lipsticks the will make your eyes pop.

Mar 8, 2013

Larissa M.

Orange! That is scary. What kind of orange?!

Mar 8, 2013

Bianca L.

Clarins has a few softer shade not like electric orange lol but like nudes and peach they would look really nice on you.

Mar 8, 2013

Larissa M.

Ok! I will look into them! Thank you.

Oct 6, 2013

Sasha H.

MAC Freckletone lippy is a great nude shade for redheads.