Good Hand Moisturizer?


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Mar 10, 2013

Brittany Y.

My hand are really dry and a lot of lotions make it really itchy and red since I have sensitive skin. Suggestions?

Mar 10, 2013

Mariah F.

Hemp lotion is my favorite!

Mar 10, 2013

Steph S.

Hempz is amazing, I agree with you @mariah

Mar 10, 2013

Clarissa R.

I like to use gold bond, there is a specific bottle for hands only and I really like it.

Mar 10, 2013

Clarissa R.

I like to use gold bond, there is a specific bottle for hands only and I really like it.

Mar 10, 2013

Yajaira P.

You could try homemade remedies if lotions from stores irritate your hands. Or search creams for sensitive skin. Try mixing sugar and water together and rub it on your hands. Than dip your hands into milk for 10-15 minutes. Milk is good for the skin :) and then pat dry your hands, don't rub. Than apply Vaseline or lotion for sensitive skin

Mar 10, 2013

Jessica D.

Believe it or not, hair conditioner works good as a hand cream...

My friend and I were using this awesome lotion for a while, and noticed it made our hands softer than ever. After months of using it, we inspected the bottle, and realized it was hair conditioner! We were shocked we didn't notice beforehand, but we kept using it bc it worked so well. It makes your hands so soft, and stays on until you wash it off (but it soaks in after the first few minutes). A little goes a long way, so just so an itty bitty amount to start. :)

... Not that the story matters. Lol just thought it was funny.