To pout or not to pout? That is the question...


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Mar 9, 2013

Stevie W.

So, I'm sure almost all of us have been guilty of this at one stage. Duck face, trout pout... Whatever you call it! Get your pics posted and tell me if you love em or hate em!

I don't like duck face. I think it's tacky lol.

Mar 9, 2013

Dana M.

I think it's cute when it's not excessive/over done

Mar 9, 2013

Kristi S.

Yours is nice. I have some that are pretty cute. depends on the person/how much they exaggerate it...

Mar 10, 2013

Jordan G.

No duck face. highly over used by the women with a slight self esteem issue :/
let that natural beauty shine.

Mar 10, 2013

Dana M.

Gabby no lol it's PERFECT. I actually think they're cute for the occasion.

Mar 10, 2013

Stevie W.

I'm rather clever in that mine looks like I'm duckfacing, when in fact it's just really clever contouring/highlighting and plumping gloss!
I think it's good if you're just arsing aabout, but if you actually think you look good then there's something seriously wrong.

Mar 10, 2013

Stevie W.

*replace the first clever for chuffed. Should really pay more attention to what I'm typing -_-

Mar 10, 2013

Dana M.

Stevie, exactly! Also, you look like your pouting haha sweet.

Mar 11, 2013

Katie S.

Ihate wen isee ladies do the duck face its soo annoying and not attractive