International makeup tips!


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Mar 9, 2013

Diana T.

So I'm aabout to move to another country in Europe any tips for keeping up my beauty routine abroad?

Mar 9, 2013

Alisa D.

I live in Europe right more and really, it's but that different from the US. The only thing I have had to change was shampoos/ conditioners because the water is a bit different...

Mar 9, 2013

Diana T.

Interesting... I use Paul Mitchell products right now what products did you have to switch to?

Mar 9, 2013

Alisa D.

I tried switching to some German shampoo (regular grocery store/drug store poo was NOT cutting it!) but wasn't impressed, now I use Joico Kpac line and I have NEVER loved a shampoo/conditioner soooo much. Even back in the states. I actually like washing my hair more often now. And I don't know your skin care routine, but I would also recommend high quality moisturizers for face and body, our skin has gotten really dry here, even the kids. I have to cover my baby with coconut oil BEFORE her bath or she gets super crazy bad patches of just gnarly skin :( I use coconut oil daily in my shower routine as well, but I think I would have ended up making that switch even if I was still back in the states, I really like old world cleansing methods better than these crazy chemical laden soaps we have now. (... Except for shampoo ;D lol, I don't care what is in the kpac bottle, I LOVE it! Hagan)

Mar 11, 2013

Diana T.

Lol nice yeah I have acne prone sensitive oily/combo skin so I need more natural/vegeterian skin care products but thanks so much for the tips!

Diana T.

Washington State (USA)