Help With Acne


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Mar 27, 2013

Sofia R.

I have horrible acne I have black heads everywhere and super oily skin.

Mar 27, 2013

Alice S.

Try the Mint Julep Masque.. it has helped me a lot.

Mar 27, 2013

Elena S.

I have really bad black head too so I feel your pain
A) start out by washing your face 2x a day, in the morning with a soft cleaner and at night with a scrub
B) if you do this on a regular basis and don't see improvements then go to your drugstore and look for deep pore cleansing masks and use that once or twice a week ontop of the face washing
C) I if all else fails you can go to your local YMCA or jcc and see if they have a sauna and that can help open your pores and chlorine from the swimming pool also helps a lot (don't forget to moisturizer and target if you have dry skin, combo skin ect.) and lastly if there's no more hope try to get a facial or go see a dermatologist. I got a facial recently and I can definelty see an improvement after keeping up the routine she suggested me. Hope this helps!

Mar 27, 2013

Ashlii I.

Try doing a baking soda scrub. Mix some baking soda and water together till you get a paste. Put it on as a mask and wait till it dries then scrub off using circular motions with your finger tips. That will help with blackheads.
For acne. Do the same exact thing but instead of baking soda use aspirin. Put the aspirin paste on trouble spots.

Keep doing this and your skin will become softer and beautiful

Mar 27, 2013

Kimberly N.

You need a strict skin routine with products that work well with your skin.
Washing your face twice a day, no more, no less.
Applying toner and moisturizer after washing.
Twice a week, instead of using your regular cleanser, use an exfoliant.
Use a face mask once or twice a week, you can make your own - honey, cinnamon, nutmeg, milk, oatmeal. Ingredients like that are best
You need to find the right products for your skin. And to do so you need I experiment. When you get a new product and it seems like its not working, wait a month or longer, because that's how long it usually takes to see results.

Mar 27, 2013

Annel A.

Buy Freeman Clay Avocado & Oatmeal mask!

Mar 28, 2013

E B.

I completely stopped using acne products. I would only use a fresh clean face rag and hot water. I gently scrubbed in circular patterns all over. Of course I'm not longer in my teens and have 2 young daughters (2yrs and 4months). I also use bb creams instead of heavy foundations.

Mar 28, 2013

Endia P.

This one is tough but make sure you really have oily skin. A lot of the time skin in dry and over-producing oils to compensate for what's missing. If that's the case the mix a natural oil with you daily moisturize for a little added umph. Also make sure your cleansing twice a day and using an SPF when your out and about. You can use a scrub for a deeper clean like the st. Ives apricot scrub and also a mint julep mask to deep clean you pores. There are also a lots of natural what's to clear your skin like steaming, oatmeal mask, honey, and other things in your fridge. Just do your research and read product reviews. Good luck.

Mar 28, 2013

Tierra T.

I use Bioré pore unclogging scrub, (also what Demi Lovato uses..:) and I take a pill for my acne.

Mar 28, 2013

Cristina F.

I do not recommend using the st Ives apricot scrub, the shell pieces and tiny particles from the pit will scratch the skin over time, causing more damage. I would use the green tea scrub from st Ives, it's really gentle! Or you can make your own, brown sugar and olive oil! But for those with acne a harsh exfoliant will only make the acne worse and even spread it!

Mar 28, 2013

Cristina F.

I would also wash your pillow cases weekly from all the oil and sweat buildup :)