I Need Help With My Hair!


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Mar 27, 2013

Emily T.

Hello my hair is medium length I always straighten it my natural hair is curly/frizzy thats why I always straighten it my hair takes forever to grow I get split ends fast and dry hair I want to cut it for the summer but how can I prevent split ends and dry hair any tips?

ps. if there is anything that works for frizz let me know I'vs used garner doesn't work.

Mar 27, 2013

Amelia K.

For frizz use a good mose when your hair is wet and brush thew and let air dry that should help.

Mar 27, 2013

Molly F.

Use sulfate free shampoo & conditioner. I use loreal ever strong shampoo and conditioner and it works great for dry hair. It helps it grow too!

Mar 27, 2013

Alisha P.

If its frizzy its dry...definitely get a conditioner thats moisturizing...like a mask thats sulfate free.

Mar 27, 2013

Teresa B.

Try not to straighten it as often & use a good heat protectant to prevent split ends! For frizz try re-wetting your hair with cold water after you've washed it and combed it.