Weird Kinky Curls


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Mar 14, 2013

Brooklynn J.

Hey guys! I have these like weird curls in my hair that are kinky. But then at the ends are straight. It drives me insane because they look so ugly and I don't feel pretty at all with them! I have naturally curly hair ( dads mixed). I have had a relaxer 3 times but they were like $300 ones. I believe that some of my curls are turning like that because of using the relaxers so I'm not doing it any more. Can someone please give me tips on how to make them like the rest of my hair ): oh and whenever it's wet it doesn't really do it but when it dried it kinks up! Thanks so much (:

Mar 14, 2013

Eileen A.

Maybe try using a straightening balm on the curly parts and run a flat iron through it.

Mar 14, 2013

Eileen A.

Maybe try using a straightening balm on the curly parts and run a flat iron through it.

Mar 14, 2013

Eileen A.

Maybe try using a straightening balm on the curly parts and run a flat iron through it.

Mar 14, 2013

Abby C.

Try putting all natural coconut oil in it two times every week and if its better then you can stop using it.

Mar 14, 2013

Sharneece R.

Sorry girl but once you relax your hair it will no longer curl unless you chop it off and your hair is kinking up because it needs moisture like a leave in conditioner AND a light oil. but unfortunately once you start relaxing your hair if you stop all the dead hair/relaxed hair will have to be cut or eventually its going to break where the curly hair and relaxed hair meet. trust me I've seen this so many times. relaxers just aren't worth unhealthy hair and there's no different between a $300 relaxed and a $10 one there all made to literally kill curls. but overall if you keep it very moisturized (not greasy or oily). your kinks will become coils also try twisting or braiding it while wet and when it dries unravel them and your hair will have some curl to it. just be patient and learn to embrace you hair and keep the chemicals out. trust me I know how hard it is I have a big ole fluffy fro and today I was contemplating relaxing for my birthday at the end of the summer buuut I love my curls too much. but I can't definitely related to your frustration girly.

Mar 14, 2013

Sharneece R.

Sorry girl but once you relax your hair it will no longer curl unless you chop it off and your hair is kinking up because it needs moisture like a leave in conditioner AND a light oil. but unfortunately once you start relaxing your hair if you stop all the dead hair/relaxed hair will have to be cut or eventually its going to break where the curly hair and relaxed hair meet. trust me I've seen this so many times. relaxers just aren't worth unhealthy hair and there's no different between a $300 relaxed and a $10 one there all made to literally kill curls. but overall if you keep it very moisturized (not greasy or oily). your kinks will become coils also try twisting or braiding it while wet and when it dries unravel them and your hair will have some curl to it. just be patient and learn to embrace you hair and keep the chemicals out. trust me I know how hard it is I have a big ole fluffy fro and today I was contemplating relaxing for my birthday at the end of the summer buuut I love my curls too much. but I can't definitely related to your frustration girly.

Mar 14, 2013

Carol H.

Try going to a website like It has articles and a forum so you can talk to other curlies.

Mar 14, 2013

Brooklynn J.

Thank you all so Much! Yeah I think I'll buy some coconut oil to deep condition my hair!