HELP!! dry area around mouth (patches, lines occur, when I put on foundations)


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Mar 16, 2013

Huda A.

I'm having problems with my foundation, I have dry areas around my mouth. So when I apply foundation ( even bb creams) in that area I looks really bad (dry patches and line occur).

have done krystal peeling and it helped a little, and now I have been considering fruit peeling...

Any suggestions what to do?

Mar 16, 2013

Arial E.

I have been putting coconut oil on my lips and around them everynight. Also try a scrub like honey sugar and coconut oil. it sounds it needs moisture.

Mar 16, 2013

Ria A.

Well make sure you use a good primer/ moisturizer that matches either the oil or water ingredient in your foundation or concealer..that's important!

Mar 16, 2013

Miki M.

Apply Burt's Bee Honey Lip Balm on and surrounding the Lips!
or try Collagen Facial Sheet Mask 2 or 3 times a week...

Mar 16, 2013

Haleema B.

Its dry skin and you need to take care if it rather then covering it! I had the same problem only around my eyes so I talked to an expert and this is exactly the same advise I would give to you.
Change your face washes to a cream based wash avoid using toners and don't deep cleanse a lot. Try using coconut oil or aveeno ( the one with the wheat extracts) and lastly one thing that helped me get rid of my dry skin is moisturizer!! When I say moisturizer I mean like 24/7

Mar 16, 2013

Haleema B.

If you don't have the time to purchase these products you can simply use organic or stuff you might already have at home like butter or olive oil it's gross I know but it works ;)

Mar 18, 2013

Kaley B.

This happens to me too! Use aquaphor healing ointment and or Vaseline at night before you go to sleep. :) and layer it on really thick.

Mar 23, 2013

Huda A.

Thanks girls!
I will try to treat the dry areas from now on, instead of focusing in the foundation.

thank you all for the good advices:)