Ahh what to do?!?!


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Mar 14, 2013

Jamie F.

I love my bangs and feel weird if I don't have them but I don't know how to fix the fact that I absolutely can't stand when they fall in my eyes because I'm pretty sure they are causing my headaches since I'm always having to look around then or through them. And moving then out of my eyes always makes my hair greasy with like 4 hours of washing my hair. Any suggestions of hair cuts that would help them stay out of my eyes? Or should I just grow them out and not have any bangs at all? Please help, I don't know what to do.

Mar 14, 2013

Jamie F.

This is a picture of my bangs.

Mar 14, 2013

Monika T.

Having your bangs cover your eyes can actually cause that covered eye to go blind, cock eyed or lazy. So I would part my hair line down the middle, that should keep your hair away from your face.

Mar 14, 2013

Fia R.

You could just pin it back in a bump or a side braid you could always google ideas:)

Mar 15, 2013

Jamie F.

Thanks ladies those are great suggestions that I will definitely. try:)

Mar 15, 2013

Jamie F.

What about dry shampoo? would that help? if so, what is the best one to use?