Natural Red Hair Want To Dye It.


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Mar 14, 2013

Mandy L.

My hair is naturally red but I want to dye it blonde I'm only 14 and my mom doesn't want me to dye it because she likes my hair to much I hate my hair because it is very dull and I get picked on. Should I dye my hair and how should I convince my mom.

Mar 14, 2013

Carlee A.

I think to brighten your hair up and make you and your mom happy that you should add some blonde and different colors similar to your hair highlights. My friend did it and hers looks amazing! She is 15 so it's age appropriate and it didn't damage her hair! :) Good luck

Mar 14, 2013

Isla W.

Honestly I think people with hair like yours are lucky! It's a really nice natural colour and you probably only get made fun of because they are jealous so just ignore people like that! On the other hand it would look really nice red so it's up to you :) x

Mar 14, 2013

Kelly C.

If I were you I'd keep that colour. It's pretty :p but I have red head friends who dyed their hair brunette and it looks pretty good too :)

Mar 14, 2013

Mandy L.

Thank you and ill try the highlights I really appreciate your help

Mar 14, 2013

Alecia J.

Don't be ashamed of your red hair! We all have to stick together <3 if you really feel like you want to change your hair colour then you should but I agree with the highlights idea. That way you can see if you like the colour first before dying your hair because I have lots of red head friends that have dyed their hair and its never grown back the same.<3.

Mar 14, 2013

Stephanie M.

If you have to convince someone then you shouldn't do it. you should enjoy being natural and young while you can. You will miss it.