Improve health growth?


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Mar 16, 2013

Victoria M.

Are there any products (or secrets) that you guys have and use to help out your hair growth?

Mar 16, 2013

Caitlyn J.

Biotin help your hair and nails grow thicker and stronger. I use it and have seen the difference ^.^
Its a simple vitamin that you can get cheap pretty much anywhere.

Mar 16, 2013

Yajaira P.

Try not using a lot of heat. Use a heat protector when styling. But I read on the app AllWomanStalk, I don't know if your familiar with, but soaking your hair in beer will make your hair grow. I know sounds kray kray but make sure to wash off the nasty smell afterwards lol its just a homemade remedy :) also styling your hair like braiding it I guess will make it grow. But you know don't grip your hair too tight it will damage your hair. And don't comb your hair when your hair is wet. If you have tangles, just comb it when your hair is 50/50 dry. It will help. Keep your hair more healthy and shiny. And don't use hot water, try using luke water, but for best results, cold water. :D good  luck!

Mar 16, 2013

Yajaira P.

I didn't mention, most important thing... If you want your hair to grow longer, have your hair trimmed every two months best or latest 3. Your hair will grow without so much split ends. Awesome :D

Mar 16, 2013

Victoria M.

Thank you all for the input! :) I'll try all these remedies and the Biotin :)