Help with little bumps all over face!


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Jul 28, 2017

Brook A.

I have these little white and skin colored bumps all over my face and they subtly stand out. My skin isn't smooth and has a little bit of texture due to it. When light is cast on it (natural light or any lighting) it creates a little bit of a shadow and sometimes makes my makeup appear unattractive once the makeup has been on for over an hour. Please help!

Jul 28, 2017

Jessica L.

As a preventive measure I suggest using aloe vera gel to help calm down the bumps. I personally use it as a sleeping mask but if your skin is a bit more sensitive then try just putting it on for 20 mins then rinsing. Also do like a little check to see whether it's a skin reaction to something that you might have used. I also exfoliate about twice a week to make my skin a lil smoother( I like to use exfoliating masks- skinfood rice exfoliating mask or skinfood black sugar exfoliating mask).
Good luck and hope this helps!

Jul 28, 2017

Brook A.

Thank you!

Jul 28, 2017

Alyx T.

Sounds like milia. You can go to a dermatologist or some estheticians to remove them.

Jul 31, 2017

Leuca S.

Milia and whiteheads can also be treated with salicylic acid products. I still love mine from Paula's Choice

Jul 31, 2017

Hannah V.

I have a very similar issue but my doctor said it may be Keratosis Pilaris: tiny bumps caused by a build up of keratin. You can read about it here:

I've found that exfoliating scrubs tend to help a little, but eventually made the bumps worse and irritated my skin.

The most successful product I've found at reducing the bumps and keeping them from returning is a retinoid product. I've been using the Advanced Retinoid 2% from The Ordinary ($9.80) for almost a month and it has my skin almost completely smooth and bump free. For under $10, its definitely worth a try.