Anybody else thinks Beautylish should carry TATCHA?


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Jan 6, 2018

Yolimar G.

I just turned 27 a couple of months ago and my skincare obsession increased by like 1000%. I think it’s great that they have Sunday Riley but I think it would also be great if they also had TATCHA. I am dying to try their skincare and their flexible payments would make that so much easier on the pockets.

Jan 6, 2018

Shiphrah T.

what is it?

Jan 7, 2018

Leuca S.

Tatcha is a Japanese/Japanese-inspired skincare line.

I tend to think their products are overpriced for what you get. Quite a few of their products have too much fragrance/irritating extracts to recommend, and even the ones that don't often have jar packaging which exposes the ingredients to air and light over time, degrading their efficacy. Overall it's a line that caters more to the sensorial experience of skincare routines rather than the long term health and appearance of your skin, which is ultimately the purpose of good skincare, right?

There seems to be a huge amount of hype surrounding East-Asian skincare and beauty products, but their formulations are more often than not fairly similar to things you can find over here; they simply prefer different textures.

One thing the EU and countries like South Korea and Japan have that the US does not is an extremely extensive list of effective sunscreen ingredients. East Asian countries tend to value pale skin, and one of the best ways to achieve that is through adequate sun protection. We don't have ineffective formulations over here, but the tech is maybe 10-15 years behind what they have over there in terms of aesthetics vs efficacy.

Jan 8, 2018

Aleena P.

Beautylish is certainly expanding and adding more and more every year. And now that they have j* and mannynonmua merch on here the standards seem pretty low. But I wouldnt be sad to see tatcha get skipped over. I agree that they are overpriced and underdeveloped as a whole.