Shaving or Waxing?


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Apr 23, 2017

Jessy L.

Recently I've started to shave my upper lip because I have noticeable hair around there. I was first waxing but it was too painful and I heard waxing too often can cause discoloration and I already have a bit of that around my mouth. But I've also heard that shaving can cause the hair to grow back darker and thicker, I know this is a myth. But I'm worried the hair on my upper lip will start to grow darker and thicker if I keep shaving. And now that I shave my upper lip, tiny pimples have started to appear, I don't know if this is because I started to shave or just hormonal changes. What do you ladies suggest?

Apr 23, 2017

Diana R.

Try the olay removal kit. I love it. especially if you're scared to wax or shave. or thread them.

Apr 23, 2017

Shauna S.

I've been shaving my upper lip for years and the hair has never grown in darker or thicker. you're getting the bumps because the razor is irritating the sensitive skin. you can try using a different razor, I personally like the men's Gillette razor. After I shave I put on face moisturizer or a light amount of Shea Butter so that I don't get irritation.

Apr 23, 2017

Roz X.

It's truly a myth; no one would ever suggest that as a blonde if I shaved my head, it would grow in even slightly a shade darker.

I believe these ideas come from the appearance stubble has as it grows back in. It simply looks darker because it's new in the follicle verses whispier hair that's longer and catches the light. It's also not thicker, it's just blunt because you've shaved the hair verses tearing it out from the root and again, the growth will feel differently.

There are so many great, pain-free and hygienic ways to remove hair using little tools created for that purpose, which are razor free. I have the Microtouch and have had it for 5 years..... and Remington makes a model as well. The Microtouch actually works...even for the nose/brows/cheeks/etc. and it's only $10 at Target. There's reviews is you are interested.

To avoid bumps, clean it with rubbing alcohol at 91% after and before each use.
I found using BikiniZone or The Cool Fix from Sephora works wonders for any area you shave or wax that develops irritation or ingrown hairs and bumps and that prevents it and soothes. Aloe is another winner, but you do need to be sure you are disinfecting. 

Apr 23, 2017

Essie A.

Thanks for that recommendation, Rozberry, I'll be trying that trimmer.

Apr 23, 2017

Roz X.

I hope you like it! It's so gentle! I love it and it is just so easy, but I always disinfect before and after and then use my 'after' gel to keep bumps at bay. The Remington one is really nice as well. Good luck!

Apr 24, 2017

Jessy L.

Thank you ladies!