Are my lips full enough? I’ve been considering a filler injection...


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Oct 26, 2017

Vic F.

Hi everyone,

I’ve been thinking about lip injects for about 12 years. My lips just aren’t as full as I’d like and I’m a bit self conscious about it, all these years later. Here is a photo of me without any lip makeup on. I do have eye makeup on, but no lip. I don’t want to go crazy big, just nice, naturally proptioned full. What do you think?

Oct 27, 2017

Kitty K.

If you've been really thinking about it for a long time I don't see why not!
The worst that can happen is that you don't care for them and never get them done again. Just know that once you fix one insecurity, you'll probably find another one to nit pick on.

Oct 28, 2017

Lillee J.

I think you look beautiful! Your lips are naturally plump, the upper and bottom lip together.

Oct 29, 2017

Rita P.

I think you have pretty plump and defined lips. They're beautifull actually, have you tried overlining them a bit?
I wouldnt go for injections in your case, but I don't see why you shouldnt if you've been thinking about that for all those years

Oct 31, 2017

Stef M.

I think your lips are cute! You can pull off some amazing bright colors that will really call attention to them. No matter what you decide, just research your doctor first. Ask plenty of questions and go with a complete medical history. Kitty K, is correct, once you start with one procedure, you may deserve more. But at the end of the day it’s you decision. Good luck!

Oct 31, 2017

Just T.

Whatever you choose just be proud of who you are if you want lip injections then that is your choice but I think they look great!😝😉

Nov 2, 2017

Vic F.

Thank you all for your kind and non-judgemental responses. I’m going to think on it a while...for now I usually overline my lips and wear bright lipsticks. My hesitations with the injectable fillers are: cost, side effects, possibly changing my lip shape (I love the shape of my lips! Especially the natural downward turn of the corners and prominent cupid’s Bow), and as some of you mentioned, that even if it erases one insecurity it could just lead to more. I suppose I need to examine what is really behind the desire, and why just using makeup to fake it isn’t “enough.” Thank again. Big love.