Eyebrows two different shapes!


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Dec 18, 2017

Melissa P.

I have been struggling with this issue for over two years. It started when a lady messed it up. When I got pregnant I decided to let them grow out so I didn’t touch them for 10 months. When I finally did them, someone else messed it up again and this is where we are. I want the shape on my left ( right from picture view) but my other brow is so off! It doesn’t grow much and tried everything from castor oil to vitamins. Any tips to get them least looking decent? Thanks in advance.

Dec 20, 2017

Shiphrah T.

Ok so I drew a picture, wax off the parts marked in red
and then color in the parts marked in black, 😊 hope that helps

Dec 20, 2017

Rita P.

It sucks that someone did that to your brows specially after months letting them grow natural!! regardless, I think you have a pretty nice shape to work with :) I would search for millions of reviews and try to find a place that uses the threading method (they will look more neat). Make sure to explain to the estetician exactly how you want them to be shaped (even bring some pictures if you'd like). I'm sure you will feel better after and you can fill them in until all the hairs grow back again :)

Dec 22, 2017

Meagan M.

I personally think you should keep them longer. (Width) wise. Your eye brows are not bad shaped, I think you have great shape. I think a simple clean up will make them look a lot better.