Lenses with longest life span?


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Dec 1, 2016

Lisa R.


I just want an input on finding best daily wear soft lens with longest life span.


Dec 1, 2016

Jackie S.

I use acuvue oasis for astigmatism. They are 2 week disposables (obviously you remove them every night). They are the most comfortable ones I've tried.
While they say two weeks, I can get some more use out of them with proper care. However you have to be really careful with contacts because of the debris and bacteria that can build up.
Other than two week disposables, I'm not sure if there are any other ones that are for a longer period time. I think they might have ones that are monthly but I wouldn't really trust those as being that hygienic and good for your eyes

Dec 1, 2016

Deborah S.

Well there are lenses that you dispose daily, every fortnight, monthly or 12-18 months, with the latter ones obviously having the longest life span. However I'd highly suggest to speak to an optician / ophamatologist (this might be spelt wrong) to find a lens that suits your needs and also your eyes best.

Dec 1, 2016

Lara R.

I use monthly disposables and I think that's a good lifespan, because the longer you use a lense, the more proteins and other non-wanted particles may adhere to the lenses. Most ophthalmologists will suggest 1 month or less disposables.

Also, if your lense breaks or gets lost, you have a replacement when using daily or monthly disposables.

Dec 2, 2016

Alyx T.

I would definitely go talk to your eye doctor. It took me a few trial pairs to find ones I like. I use acuvue as well, two week disposables but they don't need to be taken out at night, and if they are removed nightly they last up to a month.

What I learned is it all comes down to how committed to cleanliness you are. I don't at all mean it in a judgy way, but if you're not committed to cleaning them thoroughly every day and taking great hygienic care of them, then go with shorter lifespans. When I first got lenses I was on monthlys, and I realized after a year or so that I wasn't taking as good of care as I should be, obviously still cleaning them but taking less time to care for them daily, so I switched to the 2 weeks. I wanted to go with dailys but they're not in my budget unfortunately.

Dec 16, 2016

Lisa R.

I appreciate all helpful comments :)