Growing a YouTube channel.


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Dec 21, 2016

Rose R.

Hi, I am Rose Professional MUA I have recently started a YouTube channel and I was wondering how can I grow my channel? And make it more noticeable? If you would like to check out my channel, it would mean a lot to me
YouTube channel- Glambyrose

Dec 21, 2016

Maria c.

I usually find channels when I'm looking for reviews on popular new makeup items, also maybe try doing some of the fun make up challenges, but most importantly being consistent on uploading videos. I will definitely check out your channel :)

Dec 21, 2016

Sabrina K.

Hi Rose, please keep all promotion of YouTube channels/blogs/blogs/websites in the intro and promotion section of beautylish! Subjects of this nature posted in any other categories then the intro and promotion category will be subject for deletion.
I will move it for you today, but please keep this in mind in the future!

Dec 21, 2016

Rose R.

Maria C. Consistent uploading would be twice a week??

Dec 23, 2016

Hannah K.

I've just watched a few videos of your Youtube channel. First things first, your videos are good. But I did find you had a tendency to ramble and go off track on the point of your video, which can make people get bored and not sub to your channel. Have a watch of a few of Stephanie Nicole's videos, I find she stays very much to the point despite the length of her videos.
I would also have a little practice with editing and try and make your lighting more consistent, I know it's difficult to do but these things can really help with the professional look of your videos and can draw in more subs.

I think the thing with Youtube is subscribers can go either ways, but you have to decide what you want. Do you want a maybe tighter band of loyal subscribers who watch ALL your videos and will interact with you and what not (of say, 400,000 maybe, like Stephanie Nicole) or someone like NikkieTutorials who has 6m subscribers, but maybe only 30% of her sub count are active on her videos?
There's many Youtubers with over a million subs, someone like Shane Dawson has 8m subs but he's lucky if he gets 2m views.
It depends if you're in YT for the fame, sub and view count or if you're in youtube because you genuinely enjoy it and want to share with people want you know, I feel that really shines through on a video.

I would also advertise (not push it in people's faces) on your social media's. Make sure your channel is easily accessible and appeals to what people want to see (but also make sure that you have fun with it otherwise it's pointless). Definitely upload consistently, have professional looking sound, lighting and editing. An editing system I can recommend is final cut pro.

Jan 11, 2017

Rose R.

Thank you so much Hannah, your feed back was very helpful! ❤️

Rose R.

Houston , Tx