Can you still tan while wearing foundation?


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Jan 6, 2013

Courtney S.

I'm going to Hawaii tomorrow and I wanna get really tan! But I need to know, can you tan through foundation? Or should I just wear powder?

Jan 6, 2013

Kyle G.

if you wear any makeup while tanning it will make you break out guaranteed, the sweet will open you pores, causing the foundation to penetrate deep into youth skin and you will break out almost immediately. trust me don't wear anything !!!!

Jan 6, 2013

Tyler B.

I agree with Kyle, that has happened to me before, I never wear anything on my face when I tan, except some spf

Jan 6, 2013

Caitlin Lee G.

Agree'd! You're On Vacation, Go All Natural To Get That Pretty Tan :) Then Go Home And Work It! 

Jan 6, 2013

Sarah L.

Don't wear any make up and use an SPF. Sun exposure can cause premature ageing. And no one wants wrinkles earlier than they have to have them!

you can if you really want to but the chances of breaking out are definitly not worth it. Also spf should be at least a 35. and you reapply. you can still tan while wearing sunscreen, the melanin in your body is what cause you to have that tan the sun is just what stimulates it. a tan is actually the dna in your cells burning and the melanin is released to cover it and try to save it. so wear your spf otherwise you will be putting yourself at risk for many thing, aging 10yrs faster being one of them. other than that have fun!!!