Foundation problem :(


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Jan 28, 2017

Shaye M.

So every time I've gone to wear makeup in about the last 3 months I have this problem where foundation isn't staying on my upper lip area (I don't shave my face or wax there) and it's starting to really annoy me, my makeup sits fine everywhere else with no problems, it's super obvious and disgusting when it happens and will usually happen as little as 10 minutes after I've applied my foundation. Doesn't matter if I set it with powder or not it's still happening :/

Jan 28, 2017

Shaye M.

It's just stressful cause I never had This problem with foundation and assumed it was just the weather cause it's summer here so I went and purchased the Estée Lauder double wear and it's still happening so super confused cause that stuff doesn't budge lol

Jan 28, 2017

Taylor G.

I literally have the same problem and it wasn't always like that. I'm not sure what started causing it.
The best I can do to stop mine is use Mehron skin prep pro on my lip area, and always have a fan blowing on my face while I apply my makeup. I don't really have any problems if I do this unless it gets reaaaally hot.

Jan 29, 2017

Shaye M.

Girl it sucks so much, it's thrown me off wearing makeup so much :( I used to love applying my foundation and now I'm like "oh we'll see if I have to wash it off again today" lol! I'm all over the fan when I'm doing my makeup haha! My boyfriend hates it especially on hot af days lol!

Jan 29, 2017

Taylor G.

Lol same! It's even worse though when it's cold and I have to go ahead and put a fan on my face 😂

Jan 30, 2017

Jess D.

If you haven't tried "baking" (damp beauty blender and pressing powder in) that area, maybe give it a shot?
Or try setting your makeup with the either Makeup Forever setting spray or Urban Decay de slick.

Jan 30, 2017

Anna D.

Try moisturizing and priming before and set with powder and use a setting spray. ♡