Foundation For Sensitive Skin HELP.


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Jan 28, 2017

Lillee J.

Hey guys! Recently I have tried 2 new tints/foundations, Jouer's Luminzing Moisture Tint, and the Maybelline BB Tint and BOTH caused terrible reactions to my skin.

Specifically the Jouer caused tiny raised bumps across any areas it was applied, and burnt. The Maybelline BB product caused blackheads, and really clogged my pores.

Are there any brands, or products that DO NOT use SPF, and artificial ingredients (like parabens, and such) that you could recommend? HELP! I love my current ABH Foundation Stick, but it's a pain to replace, and not too sanitary.

Some foundations that have have had bad reactions to my skin:
Giorgio Armani Luminous Silk
Tarte Rainforest of the Sea Water Foundation/Concealer
BareMineral Mineral Foundation
Jouer Luminzing Moisture Tint
Maybelline BB Tint
L'Oreal Pro Glow Foundation

Hopefully this isn't too much!
My skin type is sensitive, but also a bit dry.
I rely on just wearing foundation, so it's really important to me! Getting really tired of breaking out :(.
Oh, I noticed that anything with SPF makes my skin breakout, and causes severe burning sensations.

Skin tone, well here is a photo. This is with the ABH Foundation in Ivory!
Thank you thank you XOXO.

Jan 28, 2017

Aleena P.

Every single product is going to have artificial ingredients unless you start using berries and Bird poop like the "olden" times lol.
take a good look at the ingredients list for all those mentioned and find the bones they have in common. then compare them to products that don't react with your skin and see what the outliers are. those are the ingredients you want to avoid. if it's spf, is it the titanium dioxide, the zinc oxide, or something else? every one is sensitive to something different, so a foundation good for my sensitive skin may wreak havoc on yours and vice versa. then you can start looking at ingredient lists before you ever test in on your skin and cause damage.

Jan 28, 2017

Lillee J.

@Aleena P. Thanks for that advice, and for replying quickly :)! I'm really looking for spot recommendations, however, or to see what works for others with sensitive skin types. That said, what does work for you skin, I'm trying to coup up a list? --the comparison idea really helps, forgot about that!

Jan 28, 2017

Aleena P.

Rcma has been the friendliest on my skin. it's got castor oil as a base and no silicones. there are a few others I can wear for a day or two without issue but any longer than that and I will have problems, rcma I can wear religiously with no issues. I have to second the suggestion for the coverfx drops, I haven't had any issues using them with moisturizer.

Jan 28, 2017

Leuca S.

Ultimately it can be a process of elimination by finding common ingredients between products you don't like.

I very rarely hear anything bad about the Cover FX cover drops. The product is focused so much on the pigment and spreading agent that it's hard to imagine it causing a reaction just by adding a few drops to your moisturizer.

Jan 28, 2017

Melanie T.

Yes I second the cover fx drops. Just mix as many as you want into a moisturizer that you know works for your skin and you'll be able to have that extra boost of coverage and moisture.

Jan 28, 2017

Lillee J.

You guys are the best :)! Thank you! I will most defiantly try the Cover Fx drops out, and will look into the Kjaer Weis foundation + RCMA products XOXO. I actually heard of the Cover Fx drops a while back, but overlooked it! Seems super multi-purpose. @Hailey P. @Aleena P @Leuca S. @Mealnie T

Jan 30, 2017

Brook A.

It looks pretty and your eyes are gorgeous

Jan 31, 2017

Ellie F.

Tecnics £1.99 from just essentials it gives great coverage but isn't to harsh.