Beautylish PR List


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Jan 25, 2017

Kenecia O.

Hello Beauties!
I was an on selling app where I found a girl who is apart of beautylish community and she was selling makeup that she was given freely from beautylish and other makeup brands. Being that I am looking to make videos related to makeup, I asked her how she went about doing this, she said she was a PR for I am trying to find out anymore information about this. Can anyone help?

Companies like this usually only provide PR to influencers with a very high following, such as YouTube or beauty bloggers who have a following of 250k - 3M people. Everyone wants to get on those PR lists, but they give it to people who can provide the most exposure for their business... unfortunately not for start-up bloggers. I would suggest starting with a company such as Influenster, which sends products out periodically to smaller influencers for testing purposes. It's a free app download, and you connect your account to all your social media accounts. Then stay active on the app, answering questions and posting reviews...look for ways to earn "badges," etc. They'll eventually send you a VoxBox of one or more products, and you can grow from there as your following (and participation) grows.

By the way, she really shouldn't be selling products that she was given by PR. It's actually against the terms / contracts of most brands and companies. You're allowed to give it away (after fulfilling any obligations to advertise it on social media), but selling will get her yanked off the PR lists VERY quick!

Jan 26, 2017

Hannah K.

I agree with My Beautiful Flaws, not many influencers are on the BL PR list but it does take someone of high social standing within the beauty industry, trusted influencers, people with a large following, get onto PR lists. But the influencer should not be selling the products, it's sent for free for the purpose of reviewing and projecting to the influencers audience, not for the influencer to sell on. Many of these influencers have a lot of money anyway, not quite sure why they needs to sell products they got for free (and of which would be used if they'd fulfilled their contract).
I would definitely email beautylish with the concern of the girl selling products she got for PR, I think it would be something that they'd be interested in hearing about.

Jan 26, 2017

Sabrina K.

Hi Kenecia, I would advise you to go straight to beautylish for advice on this matter - The community will not be able to help you with this and the team at BL is not that active here. You can write customer service and they can help you out :)