New to waxing


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Feb 6, 2017

Christina R.

I stopped shaving for a whole month and let my body hair grow out ( yes tmi lol). I decided to start waxing, I bought a Gigi wax starter kit with soft wax, muslin strips, pre powder, wax remover and everything. I want to get the best out of this considering I let it grow out lol.

Any tips or tricks to wax behind the legs and armpits?

Feb 6, 2017

Anna D.

Make sure to exfoliate before and after and wax when you are cold because them your hairs stand on end so then you will get a closer wax. Hope this helps:) ♡

Feb 7, 2017

Sam R.

Make sure your skin is stretched out while pulling the strips, it helps with pain, use a cortisone cream after it helps with bumps.

Feb 8, 2017

Jessica D.

If you're looking for another wax to try, I suggest Nads to everyone. It's a sugar wax and totally water soluble, easy to wash off. It smells good and a normal sized tub gets me two rounds of legs and armpits. It comes with reusable washable strips too, I like that.

Always moisturize after, and if there's red bumps, they should go away by the end of the next day. I've been waxing since middle school and it still happens to me, so do it the day before if you're planning on showing leg. At least for now until you see how your skin reacts. Take a couple aspirin for anti inflammatory

I would also suggest asking a friend to help you your first few times. It is painful, but it's really not that bad, but you might give up if you're doing it to yourself lmfao

All in all, I haven't shaved my legs in... damn near a decade? I love waxing, I so prefer it to shaving. After a while your hair not only grows in slower, but much much softer. I only do it every like 3 months now, even if you can see the hair on my legs, but it's soft not prickly at all! So it's really not a hassle to spend two hours out of 3 months to get hairless, imo

I hope you love it :) good luck!

Feb 9, 2017

Mabel Y.

Make sure your wax is heated to the correct temperature! The last thing you want to do is burn yourself. Also, don't go over the same area too many times.