Hair And Makeup After Surgery?


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Jan 28, 2017

Rhiannon C.

So I got my bottom wisdom teeth taken out yesterday because they were badly impacted and had nerves wrapped around them and were infected. I am probably going back to school on Tuesday or Wednesday and my face is super swollen and sensitive. any hair and makeup ideas for when I go back to school? I am super self conscious of my face being so swollen.
Thank you!

Jan 28, 2017

Jackie S.

Honestly, I wouldn't do anything. I had all 4 taken out, granted I was already well out of school; but I didn't feel like doing anything but sleep and watch tv

Jan 28, 2017

Alexis C.

I agree with Jackie, even just trying to blend makeup over the swollen areas might irritate it even more plus I'm sure it would hurt.

Jan 28, 2017

Kelly H.

I went to work the day after I had mine taken out, all of them badly impacted and they put me under for the surgery. I will say I didn't wear makeup, but I did sleep that night with cool gel packs on both sides of my face and that helped a ton with the swelling. Hope you feel better soon.

Jan 28, 2017

Rhiannon C.

Yes Jackie I know how you feel, I have practically slept all day yesterday when I got home and today!

Jan 28, 2017

Rhiannon C.

Alexis, you're definitely right because I can't even touch my face.. I wasn't thinking.

Jan 28, 2017

Rhiannon C.

Oh no, yeah I got my bottom ones taken out that way :( thank you!

Jan 29, 2017

Tina K.

I had four oral surgeries in a four month span and could not be bothered to wear makeup afterwards. I did not want to touch my face! (Ice packs and elevating were helpful to reduce swelling.) If I were to do anything, I would apply masacara and that's all. Maybe lip balm because the skin on my lips and around my mouth was irritated.

Jan 29, 2017

Tina K.

P.S. Feel better!

Jan 30, 2017

Anna D.

I wouldn't use any makeup apart from concealer if you really need it, eyebrows and mascara. I would also maybe leave your hair down as having it up you will probably be more conscious of the swelling. But I hope your feeling better soon! I know how it feels, I've had 11 teeth taken out, soon to be 13:( ♡