Tarte Shapetape application


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Jan 31, 2017

Carolina N.

When I try to use it, it settles into EVERY crease under my eyes... Any ideas on application? I'm 44 with a few natural creases under my eyes...

Jan 31, 2017

Stacie H.

I've never used shape tape before, but are you using a primer under your eyes? Particularly a silicone based one? They will settle into creases and create a smooth base for concealers and foundations. And are you setting under the eyes? Usually when I bake (taking a good amount of translucent powder with a brush or a damp beauty blender and packing it under the eyes, letting it set and then brushing it off) I find it literally lasts all day, and I never have problems with creasing. Like I said I don't use shape tape, but I use erase paste, then foundation (tarte rainforest of the sea) and then nars creamy concealer over top so still a fair amount of product.

Feb 3, 2017

Freddi L.

Another tip: I usually dot the concealer under my eyes. It is sooooooo full coverage you don't really need all that much.